how can i plot the faults of sicily in a very simple way?
is there a way to enter a url and gmt refers to the site? I have plotted the stations taking lat and long and I would like to do such a thing if there are no other faster ways with faults …
thank you in advance
It is possible to use an URL.
Do you know any site where the data of the faults are available?
Oh, thanks for the answer. yes. the site is this
now i can show you my code GMT where i want to put the sicily’s faults.
gmt begin italy pdf,png
gmt set IO_COL_SEPARATOR=tab
gmt info C:\programs\Lat_long_INGV.txt
gmt coast -R11.00000/16.62244/35.91997/39.36489 -Wthin -B -JM5i -Gbeige -Slightblue -I1
gmt grdimage @earth_relief_01s -R11.00000/16.62244/35.91997/39.36489 -I+d
gmt plot C:\programs\Lat_long_INGV.txt -St0.25c -Gblue
gmt end show
Im now on GMT. So for me it is usefull use the community.
I check the link. It suspect that you could download the data but I don’t find where.
here we have the possibility to dowload…i think.
Hi Anna, you don’t want to do this because it would use a
(16.62244 - 11.0) * 3600 x (39.36489 - 35.91997) *3600
20240 x 12404
grid size, which is HUGE. Better to pick a lower grid resolution here (5 or 6 minutes should be OK).
You could try the shp file, unzip it and then use gmt plot
with the shp that you want to plot.
Hi gioacchino, I don’t understand your disappointment about this piece of code.
what should I do ?
about this GMT give these errors
grdblend [ERROR]: Failed to remove C:\Users\Anna\AppData\Local\Temp/! [remove error: Permission denied]
grdblend [ERROR]: Failed to delete file C:\Users\Anna\AppData\Local\Temp/
You are using a grid with a resolution of 1 second of arc (@earth_relief_01s
). You could try with a 6-minutes grid (@earth_relief_06m
) given the region of your map and size of the map.
That is an issue that was fixed after 6.3.0. And regarding the the grid resolution 5 or 6 minutes is probably too coarse. 2 minutes is likely better.
Latest GMT version lets you not specify the resolution and it will guess a good one (which turns out to be 3s)
gmt grdimage @earth_relief -R11.0/16.62244/35.91997/39.36489 -I+d -png lixo
grdblend [NOTICE]: Remote data courtesy of GMT data server oceania []
grdblend [NOTICE]: Earth Relief at 3x3 arc seconds tiles provided by SRTMGL3 (land only) [NASA/USGS].
grdblend [NOTICE]: -> Download 1x1 degree grid tile (earth_relief_03s_g): N35E011
grdblend [NOTICE]: -> Download 1x1 degree grid tile (earth_relief_03s_g): N35E012
can you help me with fault shp file for India and neighbouring countries
Hello! What is your problem?
I want to plot active fault in India OVER A BASEMAP using GMT
Ok, do you have a file with the faults?
Figured it out.
Faults can be downloaded from (GitHub - GEMScienceTools/gem-global-active-faults: A global homogenised database of active faults maintained by the GEM Foundation)
faults = gpd.read_file(“gem_active_faults.shp”)
fault_lines = faults.geometry
fault_names = faults[“name”]
for geom, name in zip(fault_lines, fault_names):
x, y = geom.xy # Extract x and y coordinates from geometry
fig.plot(x=x, y=y, pen=“2p,red”)