GMT 6 install complete documentation fails

Dear all,

I have problems installing the complete documentation for GMT 6 (I only get a few man pages: gmt, gmt-config,, gmtswitch, isogmt), but the rest is missing. I tried “set (GMT_INSTALL_EXTERNAL_DOC/MAN ON)”, but had no success.

I also executed “cmake --build . --target docs_man/html” and got “WARNING: html_static_path entry ‘_source/_static’ does not exist” - probably this is the reason for the missing man pages?

I am especially interested in a complete set of man pages (but also in the html and pdf documents), if possible, directly from the external GMT server. Perhaps it is just a wrong Setup of ConfigUser.cmake?

Any help on this matter is very much appreciated.

With best regards,
Heiner Denker
Leibniz University Hannover

We decided to drop most man pages and PDF documentation since GMT 6.0.0. See the two issues below for discussions.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I thought that something went wrong during my installation (because of the warning message from “cmake --build . --target docs_man/html”).
Nevertheless, I found it always very convenient to have the full man pages, because I work frequently on a server without Xwindows support. However, of course one can also live with “gmt docs …”.

So I understand that my installation is okay and complete.

Thanks again and best regards,

Ping @mdtanker. This is the issue I mentioned on PDF documentation being dropped from GMT. I’ll see if there’s still a way to get the PDF rendered manually for PyGMT (and maybe GMT) since you need to work offline in the field for a few months.

Edit: We’re discussing about building PDF docs for PyGMT at Feel free to continue the discussion there.