Histograms of .grd file

okey, well yes I think i installed GMT6 using a bundle.

Does this mean that GMT6 and GMT julia can be in the same OS?

GMT.jl (the Julia wrapper) uses the installed GMT but it happens that the bundle is very selfish and works well on its own only. When accessed from Julia, Matlab or Python the MacOS system manages to screw the dependencies and it doesn’t work. One need a native GMT build (like the one created by homebrew).

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I have instal GMT though brewer and had to compile one more however I still show issues trying to run the example. any new suggestions on what might be happening with the installation of GMT I think that it got installed GMT 6.1?

Hmm, it looks a GMT error, what happens if you run the tests ] test GMT?
and if you try to read the grid (the gmtread(".... I showed above)?

okey I will give it a go

Don’t remember if there any problem with GMT.jl v0.22.0 but current version is 0.26.0. Try the latest, (] up ) though I start to suspect there was a problem at 6.1.1 time that I probably did not detect.

If I go to https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/try-gmt
my example works too.

Edit2: Installed GMT6.1.1 and thinks keep working fine with 0.26.0

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Okey good news it is working ! I was able to generate the first example now the thing is that I have change

to this:

using GMT

A test grid

#G = grdmath("-R300/900/0/600 -I10 X");
G = gmtread("/Users/Keyla/2020-Venezuela/2020_CUMANA_MICRO/cumanaVs30_Integrated.nc");

G[G .> 700] .= 5;
G[G .> 600] .= 4;
G[G .> 500] .= 3;
G[G .> 400] .= 2;
G[G .>= 300] .= 1;

Need to update z_min & z_max

G = grdedit(G);

gmtwrite("/Users/Keyla/2020-Venezuela/2020_CUMANA_MICRO/classe.grd", G)

imshow(G, view=(200,30), fmt=:png)

and is givinf the same figure of the first example. Also I was wondering if the new grd should this be in a new variable ? or it will replace the integrated grd?

Okay I got this far, Now is there any like the GMT 6 documentation for GMT.jl? so I can integrate colour bar, smooth the pixel and try to present a Map?

Yes, probably because you didn’t save your changes to the juliagmt.jl script. I can see it from the screenshot.

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There are not manuals with the new syntax for all the modules but each has a quick online help by doing ? module_name or, new in 0.26.0, gmthelp("module_name"). Besides that, the GMT help is the main source of help. Remember that all options can be used with string arguments as for example in R=“0/1/10/50”``

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