Introduce yourself 👋🏾

Dear Joaquim, I am sorry if I mixed up the things and I involved a question in the introduction of myself. I am not so familiar with community platforms because I prefer old fashioned e-mail communication. May I ask you to move my question to the right forum if you think it necessary? Or can I do it by myself?

No problems. We promise to close our eyes if you promise not to try to install GMT4 (last one that used autoconf).

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Hello, I am Yosuke Aoki from the University of Tokyo.

I have jointed the form today but I am a long-time user of GMT since the time of version 4.

I joined the forum to catch up with recent changes of GMT towards version 6.

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Hello! My name is Juliana Alves, I am a meteorologist and a master’s student in Aerospace Engineering at UFRN. I currently work with the influence of extratropical cyclones on the total electronic content in the Ionosphere, whose importance is to study the interference in the transmission of radio waves.

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Hi Juliana,

Welcome here. Maybe you you are not aware of it but we have custom GMT versions depending on user’s name. In your case it is recommended that you use the Julia version

À, estava a brincar … ou talvez não


Dear Sirs. My name is Wernher Ibanez from Chile. I have a consultant office in my country and we work with engineering of GNSS Systems. We use the GNSS receivers from ComNav company to develop solutions for surveying, monitoring and investigations.

Thanks to accept my request.


Wernher Ibanez

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Hello I’m Ikmal, I’m from Malaysia, I’m an MSc student studying chlorophyll-a distribution in the southwestern SCS using remote sensing data . I started using GMT, a few months ago, very hard to learn, but quite fun. Thank you for this software!


Hi all! I’m Pat McGovern, a Geophysicist/Planetary Scientist, Senior Staff Scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, and a long-time user of GMT (back to the early 90s). I use GMT to make topographic and structural maps of terrestrial and icy planets, including volcanic and tectonic systems, and to plot output of numerical models of planetary lithospheric deformation and stress.

I think I’ve stared incomprehensibly at the front page for this Forum on several occasions, not really feeling an urge to try to figure it out. But the activation energy barrier has been broken by some unusual problems I’m having on my Mac with GMT 5 and 6. I will probably post those tomorrow.

In the meantime, have a great day/night/sol/whatever!

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Or should that be “uncomprehendingly”? Or just “slack-jawed”…

…and maybe it was “mid-90s” (I wrote my own PostScript-generating code to make Finite Element model plots in the early 90s, which I used until I found out about these crazy guys who went far beyond that…)

Great to have you back in the fold, Patrick!

It’s nice to be here! I’ll be posting some stuff about my problem tomorrow.

Hello GMT Community
My name is Sindy Lizarazo. I am currently in my first year of PhD at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Earth and Planetary Dynamics) of Nagoya University in Japan. I work with GPS data from Colombia to model crustal deformation associated mainly to tectonic processes. I have some basic experience with GMT and I look forward to learn much more and help other users too.


Hi all,

I’m Christian Heine, working for Shell in exploration/specialist geosciences and still dabbling in one or the other academic research project. Using GMT since the early 2000’s (must have been GMT3 I think) in both academia as well as in industry. It’s my preferred mapping and geospatial/geophysical data processing package for plate modelling/reconstructions and tectonophysical data/workflows. And, yes, I still have to look up options in the manual… :roll_eyes:

In my opinion GMT has for years been the go-to tool for reproducible geoscience - so kudos to Paul, Joaquim, Remko & the whole team for all the work!


Hello, all! I am Meghan Jones. I recently joined the GMT team as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawai’i focusing on the continued development and sustainability of GMT. I look forward to engaging with you all more through the forum, GitHub, and virtual events!


You have your own welcoming post here :smiley:

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Hi I’m Megan and I’m an undergrad in geophysics and geology at the university of Edinburgh :slight_smile: nice to meet you all

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Welcome ! And good luck :smiley:
Out of curiosity, how did you learn about GMT ?

Many hours of searching how to make nice plots for moment tensors :sweat_smile:

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