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I need to compare three map (measured, computed and misfit map) and I would like to know if there is possible to plot many grid with the same color bar? if yes, please for the package.
is it not possibility to I, to plot three grid/map with the same color bar for best compare and appreciate our result (mesured, computed and misfit grid);
I would like to compare three, but once I plot the three grids are different and even the colors appearing on the grids are not uniform from one grid to another and also on the color bar where the scale are not coincide.
I am a new MacBook user. In my previous windows I have successfully develop map in the GMT. In Mac do I have to paste those two extra file?? It is not working…please help me!! the terminal is not coming, If I write anything regarding GMT in the MacBook terminal… it is not showing anything!!
I am sorry, but there is nothing in your message that I can do anything about. I have no ieda what the problem is, what you have installed, and what you are doing. Saying something is not working gives us no information.
then can you please tell me the procedure to install GMT 6 in MacBook Air??
It will be a great help. I am trying several sources but it is not working!!
The absolute simplest is to bet the GMT 6.1 bundle installer from us, double-click and install, and then start a terminal by clicking on the GMT application logo after you have dragged the app to /Applications.
As long as you start a terminal that way it will find everything. You can see in the opening message what to do if you want to run GMT from terminals not started this way.
I am doing as you instructed , but the GMT is unable to open the terminal. after clicking the GMT application logo nothing happens…!! why does the GMT in the docs unable to open the terminal?
I do not know. I has not happened before. You said a new MacBook. So you are running macOS Catalina then? The bundle requires 10.14 or higher I think, so just checking what version you have.
Sorry, what do you mean by GMT opening the terminal?
GMT doesn’t open any terminals, people do. And when a terminal is open nothing happens automatically either. People have type commands. This is no different to what you used to do on Windows.
If you double-click on that GMT icon in your Application folder and nothing happens (no terminal opens up) then the only explanation I have is that perhaps the installer did not get downloaded properly so it did not complete the installation. I have not seen an appication silently do nothing before. But I suggested you get GMT 6.1.0 and you are doing 6.0.0, and I asked what macOS version you have and you did not reply, so here we are. I suggest removing 6.0.0 and download and install 6.1.0 and see how it goes.
There has to be some sort of permission error issue. So when you ran the GMT installer the macOS must have first said you cannot install since not from Apple and then you had to override the security settings to allow it to install anyway, yes? Perhaps you can try this: Go to the utilities folder inside Applications and open the Console app. With that app open, double click on the GMT app logo again and see if there are any messages in the console that may be related to that action, such as permission or other error related to the GMT app. I am not sure what we are looking for really since you are the first to have this problem. Hence my suspicion that there is something unique about your system that is not obvious. You could google about apps not opening, such as
Yes sir I have tried that too nothing is happening. I don’t understand the problem either. One thing I want to clear, please let me know the other two files : dcw-gmt-1.1.4 and gshhg-gmt-2.3.7 are required or not??
I am having some troubles plotting focal mechanism in a cross section. I already obtained a graphic output but it is not what I expected. I do not what is wrong about my code but I think is probably related to the parameters of pscoupe (-A option), which I am not very familiar with.
I attach my code, the graphic output and the created files (one of them is 2 column of zeros ).