Accessing GMT test suite files using '@' syntax

Point 3 in these docs says:

Demonstration files used in online documentation, example scripts, or even the large test suite may be given in the format @filename.

I’m trying to access the focal mechanism specification files in the test dir here with
gmt info @fullmt_ipts1_iref1 but I just get:

gmtinfo [NOTICE]:   -> Download cache file: @fullmt_ipts1_iref1
gmtinfo [ERROR]: Libcurl Error: HTTP response code said error
gmtinfo [WARNING]: You can turn remote file download off by setting GMT_AUTO_DOWNLOAD off.
gmtinfo [ERROR]: File /Users/ltoney/.gmt/cache/fullmt_ipts1_iref1 was not found
gmtinfo [ERROR]: Cannot find file /Users/ltoney/.gmt/cache/fullmt_ipts1_iref1
gmtinfo [ERROR]: File /Users/ltoney/.gmt/cache/fullmt_ipts1_iref1 not found
[Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_FILE_NOT_FOUND (16)

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to access these files, i.e. a way to print the path to them if they are installed locally? (This is for PyGMT testing.) Thanks.

Hi Liam, there is no such file in the GMT cache. If the PyGMT testing requires some files to be added we can do that (or @seisman can) and its gets updated on the next whole hour.

The GMT cache files available to the @ syntax can be found at

The files in the GMT repository are not available for this syntax.

It’s possible to download this file using:

gmt info

but it you need them in the PyGMT tests, please let me know.

Hi @seisman, it would be great if you could add the six files needed for this test function:

to the GMT cache if possible.