Accessing GSHH and DCW

Have downloaded support data GSHHG 2.3.7 and DCW 2.0.0.

Am building from source and have put the source and support data in the paths


Then I modified ConfigUser.cmake such that I have

set (GSHHG_ROOT "/home/tolu/Opstk/src/gmt")

set (DCW_ROOT "/home/tolu/Opstk/src/gmt")

To build the whole thing I did

  278  cd /home/tolu/Opstk/src/gmt/gmt-6.2.0
  279  ls
  280  cd build/
  281  ls
  282  cmake ..
  283  cmake --build .
  284  sudo cmake --build . --target install

Is what I have done correct enough to have GSHHG 2.3.7 and DCW 2.0.0
available when using gmt?