Anotherone on draping: Draping a grd file on top of another grd file with grdview

Hi all,

I have a similar problem as Joaquin posted recently. I have a slab model (lat, lon, z), which I want to plot in perspective in 3D with gridview. I sampled a seismic velocity model along the same slab, created a grid and now I want to drape that as a color map onto the slab. The 2 grids have exactly the same extent and sampling. The code is essentially a one-liner.

This is the code:

gmt makecpt -Chaxby -T6/8/2 -D -I > vp_slab.cpt
gmt grdview slab3.grd -JM10 -Jz-0.1 -R-71./-69.5/-24.5/-22.1 -Gslab_vp.grd -Cvp_slab.cpt -p130/30 -Bx0.5 -By0.5 -Bz10 -BnESwZ -X3 -Y5 >

The code runs without error, but only the slab is plotted, without the draped velocity grid.

Here are the 2 grd files:

Your -R should have also the limits for z.
Try adding -Qs or -Qi
It’s not clear from your example if the limits for the CPT are those of the vp grid.

Thanks a lot! The -Qs did the trick. Great!