Backward compatability?

around 2017 I created fine maps with GMT for my hobby - Indo-European migrations. Now I want to expand the maps. However, the old (and updated) file does not run with any new version (GMT 5 or 6), on my Win-10 machine. On my Linux Mint machine fails any attempt to install those versions!
Here are two attempts of my modified file which worked perfectly in 2017:

  1. “C:\programs\gmt6\bin>pscoast -R0/34/58/56r -A200 -B10g5 -Dh -S184/255/232 -C190/230/214 -Wthinnest -I1 -JA32/70/10i >C:\programs\GMT6\”
  2. “J:\Gra\gmt5\bin>pscoast -R0/34/58/56r -A200 -B10g5 -Dh -S184/255/232 -C190/230/214 -Wthinnest -I1 (-I2 -I3) -JA32/70/10i >j:\GMT5\teste\JB_EmGi\”

Under Win10, the initial path is accepted, however, on adding the rest, I get the answer that either the path is wrong or the file is wrong.
I already checked all possible ways to verify the path and correct all possible mistakes in that field.
What am I expected to do?

Hi, I am not sure if the installer for Windows comes with alias/links but the syntax is usually

gmt pscoast -R … etc etc.

Please try that, see the Migration page for more information.

Why are you running the commands from within the bin directory? You should not be doing that.

The second case involves using a partition. Windows is a big tricky on that. But again, cd to the directory you want and run the programs from there. Just pscoast opts… will work.

Thanks - the reason was my shorted version of an old script for GMT 4.
But now another question:
the -W command naturally refers to the leading dll, most times and with me, “pscoast”.
However, how do I tell gmt to change all grids (!) in the mentioned pscoast file to “dashed” (,-) ?
Hope the problem is clear.


Sorry, not at all.

Could you share the map you plotted five years ago as well as a few lines of the Indo-European migration data?

Thank You for the information.
However, my problem is somewhat tricky:
For 30 years I have been noting all recent archaeological findings in layers over an identical base map.
I originally created this map in 1998 with the then best for Atari in azimuthal projection. However, the database was far too coarse for today’s requirements.
In the meantime - I have long since switched to Windows - I wanted to

  1. extend the area to the east,
  2. use a more exact database.
    In order not to lose my intensive work of 3 decades, it is inevitable to keep the original projection, whose script I lost long ago, and only to extend it.
    In 2016 I tried all this with the then GMT4.5 with an estimated center of -R32/48/10i (which apparently worked without the now necessary two parallels). - However, the parallels appear too straight, suggesting that the old center was slightly more northerly.

My gmt6-version is installed under C:\programs\gmt6
However, nothing works. cmd.exe does not even find “gmt6” nor “gmt”, let alone the test scripts
gmt6 pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\
or, gmt pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\

What on earth am I expected to do?

Best Hans

running a pscoast script, the -W command automatically refers to the coast lines.
How can I tell gmt to draw the grid lines (meridians and parallels) resulting from that pscoast script in dashed form?

Thank You for the information.
However, my problem is somewhat tricky:
For 30 years I have been noting all recent archaeological findings in layers over an identical base map.
I originally created this map in 1998 with the then best for Atari in azimuthal projection. However, the database was far too coarse for today’s requirements.
In the meantime - I have long since switched to Windows - I wanted to

  1. extend the area to the east,
  2. use a more exact database.
    In order not to lose my intensive work of 3 decades, it is inevitable to keep the original projection, whose script I lost long ago, and only to extend it.
    In 2016 I tried all this with the then GMT4.5 with an estimated center of -R32/48/10i (which apparently worked without the now necessary two parallels). - However, the parallels appear too straight, suggesting that the old center was slightly more northerly.

My gmt6-version is installed under C:\programs\gmt6
However, nothing works. cmd.exe does not even find “gmt6” nor “gmt”, let alone the test scripts
gmt6 pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\
or, gmt pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\

What on earth am I expected to do?

Best Hans

You have a difficult case. If you want to add new layers to a map made long ago but change the region a bit without knowing the specifics then you are partly screwed I think. There is no time when -JB did not expect two parallels. Like any software, falling years behind the curve always comes back to bite you, like now. If you do still have all your data then you should just make a brand new map with a brand new GMT version. If you have installed GMT 6 from the installer then it should already be in your path - worst case is you need to reboot. Clearly, there are tons of GMT 6 users on Windows but very difficult for us to diagnose what goes on in your particular computer.

As for dashed gridlines, see the documentation for MAP_GRID_PEN in the defaults setting.

Make sure that C:\programs\gmt6\bin is in the path. And there is no such thing a gmt6.exe

Thanks for the information.

  1. C:\programs\gmt6\bin is the correct path and freshly installed.
  2. The script “gmt pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange” causes a lot of action, ending with

PSL_movie_label_completion /PSL_movie_label_completion {} def
PSL_movie_prog_indicator_completion /PSL_movie_prog_indicator_completion {} def



however no output is visible.
Adding “> C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\” to the script" causes NOTHING at all.

Before 5 years I successfully construcvted a lot of maps. Meanwhile gmt makes me feell like an idiot.
Best Hans

Well. Since 1987, gmt has written postscript output to standard output. It is up to you to save it to a file. Since you did not you are seeing all that PostSCript code fly by in the terminal. Presumably you want to do things like

gmt pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orang >

You then say “Adding “> C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\” to the script” causes NOTHING at all."

That is an unclear statement to me. Are you saying that the file C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\ does not exist after you run the pscoast command? Or are you saying it does exist but when you open it in gsview64 or another PostSCript viewer it does not look what you expect? Or does that give errors somehow?

Thank You so far.
What I meant is, if adding (instead of " >" in the Command prompt,
“> C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\”,
it simply returns to
(sorry, I obviously touched a wrong button)
it returnes to the preceding promt withut any reacton or error code.

I would like to come back to the initial topic: the Win10 commandPromt does not accept my script in whatever form tested the last days. If I at least would be able to start a SINGLE script, everything else coud be tested. thus, from the beginning,
In oder to create a map with “gmt”, I installed that in C:\programs\gmt6, where the starting “parameter” is located under bin\pscoast.exe.
In very annoying several days it was not possible to run via the Command Promt the following correct script file
“gmt6 pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\” - or -
“gmt pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\”
Under different attempts I only earned either

  • no comment, or, (translated from German),
  • system cannot find path, or,
  • input file mistakenly formed.
    What is going wrong here? As far as I remember, I had none of these problems with GMT4 under Win7 (or was it XP…).

Best, Hans

Surprise! The following worked. It essentially needs TWO steps:

  1. From the admin start write "1. C:\programs\gmt6\bin
  2. pscoast -R1.5/34.4/75/51.5r -JB32/70/40/60/10i -B5g5/5g5 -Df -S184/255/232 -C184/236/232 -Wthinnest -I1/0/0/170 -N1/orange > C:\programs\GMT6\JB_EmGi\
  3. Then, immediately (!) and therfore astonishingly fast, appears “C:\programs\gmt6\bin>” again, and, believe it or not, the job is already done.
    This solves my problems. Thanks again for attempts to helpHope that helps others. Now I am able to test differen parameters

OK, but all that means is that your PATH is not correctly set and does not include the C:\programs\gmt6\bin directory and hence the system cannot find it. Cd to the bin directory will work but that is a very bad way of handling things. But the choice is yours.

That does not tell us “my” mistake. I think the program was correctly installed. What else am I or others expected to do in order to avoid such terrible experiences?
Best, Hans

True. I am hoping @Joaquim might be able to share some light on why your system does not set the path correctly. I am not using Windows so I do not know, but we have thousands of GMT users on Windows sith no problems so I do not think it has anything to do with GMT per se, but perhaps something peculiar about your system setup.

I find it extremely surprising that some one that is keeping a map for 30 years cannot spot immediately a path problem. But that was not even necessary because we pointed to it a couple times in this thread.

It can’t. Nothing can, that is how computers work (all of them) when a file is not found we get a error message saying … “file not found”.

Now, when GMT is not able to add itself to the path it pops up a little window warning the user about that fact. That users tend to ignore “one more annoying popup” is not our fault. But since a couple of versions ago this problem, which may occur when user’s path is very long, has never been reported again.