
Dear all,

I am trying to plot just the bathymetry, employing @earth_gebco in a similar way to the topography with @earth_relief but it doesnt work and I am not sure why. Any suggestion?

#gmt grdcut @earth_relief_02m -R$R
gmt grdcut @earth_gebco_06m -R$R

I think you forgot to tell us how it did not work, and our shrink is off today so no good guesses, even guessing what GMT version you are using.

Why people post things that cannot be reproduced?

Oops sorry. I am using gmt6 and I have this kind of error
grdcut [ERROR]: Libcurl Error: HTTP response code said error

grdcut [ERROR]: You can turn remote file download off by setting GMT_DATA_SERVER_LIMIT = 0.

grdcut [ERROR]: Libcurl Error: HTTP response code said error

grdcut [ERROR]: You can turn remote file download off by setting GMT_DATA_SERVER_LIMIT = 0.

grdcut [ERROR]: File earth_gebco_06m not found

Something with your connection. It works for me

C:\v>grdcut @earth_gebco_06m -R-10/0/35/45 -Glixo.grd
grdcut [NOTICE]: Remote data courtesy of GMT data server oceania []

grdcut [NOTICE]: GEBCO Earth Relief 2023 at 6x6 arc minutes reduced by Gaussian Cartesian filtering (11.2 km fullwidth) [GEBCO Compilation Group, 2023 GEBCO 2023 Grid].
grdcut [NOTICE]:   -> Download grid file [7.3M]: earth_gebco_06m_g.grd

Thanks @Joaquim. But why then if I replace @earth_gebco with @earth_relief I don’t have this issue.

GMT 6 might mean 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and building 6.5 from git master. So cannot offer anything that Joaquim hasn’t stated.