Can not do the inverse transformation, from rectangular to geographical using oblique projection

Hi guys,

I met a problem when I tried to do the inverse transformation, from rectangular to geographical using oblique projection.

I can do the oblique projection using:

gmt grdproject @earth_relief_01m -G1.grd -R-600/2600/-600/600+uk -Job168/51/172/32.5/1:1 -Fk -C

I got:

Then I want to do the inverse transformation, from rectangular to geographical:

gmt grdproject 1.grd -G2.grd -R-600/2600/-600/600+uk -Job168/51/172/32.5/1:1 -Fk -C -I

I got an error:

grdproject [ERROR]: Grid y increment <= 0.0
grdproject (gmt_map.c:8199(gmt_project_init)): Please select compatible -R and -I values
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create: Error 1027 (Invalid value for an argument): pj_init_ctx: Must specify ellipsoid or sphere
grdproject [WARNING]: gmtnc_grd_info failed to convert the proj4 string
+proj=longlat +ellps=unnamed +no_defs
 to WKT

Is there anything wrong with my command? Many thanks!


I have no idea if this ever worked. Specially when setting -R in km