Can pygmt use the previously stored relief data from gmt cache?


I am plotting a relief map with grdimage, however, it keeps downloading the releif data whatever how many times I run the code section. And it always downloading the 01s resolution no matter what resolution I have set. I have no problem ploting the same area directly using GMT.

Here is my pygmt code:

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()

region_sy = [97,107,21,34]

fig.basemap(region=region_sy, projection=“M10c”, frame=True)

fig.grdimage(“@srtm_relief_01m”, shading=True, cmap=‘geo’)

fig.coast(rivers=“a/0.5,skyblue”, water=“skyblue”)



Here is the message I got:
grdblend [NOTICE]: Remote data courtesy of GMT data server oceania [] grdblend [NOTICE]: Earth Relief at 1x1 arc seconds tiles provided by SRTMGL1 (land only) [NASA/USGS]. grdblend [NOTICE]: → Download 1x1 degree grid tile (earth_relief_01s_g): N22E101

Best, xin

This is strange, What do you have in your home directory under ~./gmt/server?

Hi Joaquim,
Thank you for helping!
Here is a ls snapshot of my earth_relief directory.

Use @earth_relief_01m, not @srtm_relief_01m.

Don’t know if related but I notice that you are asking for @srtm_relief and showing the contents of @earth_relief. Try using this. And, BTW, avoid screen captures when not necessary. For text it’s better to just copy past the text wrapped in triple back ticks ```

Thank you Dr. Tian! This fixed my problem!