Can't plot 3d graph

(I’m sorry my English is bad.)

Dear All.

I attempted plotting 3d-graph to show error-value about some analysis.
I wrote this code, but can’t plot graph (the output figure is only 1 black line).

gmt psbasemap -JX12/12 -JZ12 -R6.5/9.0/2.0/4.5/0.003/0.004 -Bagf -BWSNEZ -p220/20/0 -X2 -Y3 -K >
gmt psxyz -JX -JZ -R -Sc0.3c -Gred -p220/20/0 << END -O >>
8.1000004 	4.5000000 	0.0033251 
8.1999998 	3.2000000 	0.0033287 
7.8000002 	4.3000000 	0.0033349 
8.0000000 	3.7000000 	0.0033394 

I know this problem may be caused by using very small z-values, so could you teach me how I should modify this script?

Any help would be highly appreciated.


No surprise they all fall in a same level. z in your points only differs slightly in the 5th decimal place.

1 Like

I appreciate your response!

Is there a way to plot xy-level with keeping z-values? or should I use Microsoft Excel?


But that’s what you did no? Maybe the symbol size was too big. Or am I missing the issue?

I appreciate your reply
In actuality, there are more data I want to plot. (The data is at the bottom)

I can plot the figure by Excel.

But, GMT can’t plot x&y axis, like this. (I don’t need lines between the point such as Excel figure)

Is it caused by using very small z-values? or I wrote wrong scripts?

— The Data —

X-value Y-value Z-value
6.5000000 3.3000000 0.0033689
6.5000000 3.4000001 0.0033681
6.5000000 3.5000000 0.0033666
6.5000000 3.5999999 0.0033655
6.5000000 3.7000001 0.0033642
6.5000000 3.8000000 0.0033621
6.5000000 3.9000001 0.0033596
6.5000000 4.0000000 0.0033573
6.5999999 3.3000000 0.0033690
6.5999999 3.4000001 0.0033682
6.5999999 3.5000000 0.0033666
6.5999999 3.5999999 0.0033656
6.5999999 3.7000001 0.0033644
6.5999999 3.8000000 0.0033625
6.5999999 3.9000001 0.0033599
6.5999999 4.0000000 0.0033574
6.5999999 4.0999999 0.0033563
6.6999998 3.4000001 0.0033684
6.6999998 3.5000000 0.0033666
6.6999998 3.5999999 0.0033658
6.6999998 3.7000001 0.0033648
6.6999998 3.8000000 0.0033628
6.6999998 3.9000001 0.0033603
6.6999998 4.0000000 0.0033581
6.6999998 4.0999999 0.0033562
6.8000002 3.4000001 0.0033680
6.8000002 3.5000000 0.0033667
6.8000002 3.5999999 0.0033658
6.8000002 3.7000001 0.0033646
6.8000002 3.8000000 0.0033630
6.8000002 3.9000001 0.0033605
6.8000002 4.0000000 0.0033579
6.8000002 4.0999999 0.0033560
6.8000002 4.1999998 0.0033681
6.9000001 3.5000000 0.0033669
6.9000001 3.5999999 0.0033659
6.9000001 3.7000001 0.0033648
6.9000001 3.8000000 0.0033630
6.9000001 3.9000001 0.0033612
6.9000001 4.0000000 0.0033587
6.9000001 4.0999999 0.0033558
6.9000001 4.1999998 0.0033662
6.9000001 4.3000002 0.0033709
7.0000000 3.5000000 0.0033773
7.0000000 3.5999999 0.0033758
7.0000000 3.7000001 0.0033745
7.0000000 3.8000000 0.0033726
7.0000000 3.9000001 0.0033700
7.0000000 4.0000000 0.0033667
7.0000000 4.0999999 0.0033650
7.0000000 4.1999998 0.0033749
7.0000000 4.3000002 0.0033760
7.0999999 3.5999999 0.0033759
7.0999999 3.7000001 0.0033744
7.0999999 3.8000000 0.0033731
7.0999999 3.9000001 0.0033703
7.0999999 4.0000000 0.0033671
7.0999999 4.0999999 0.0033645
7.0999999 4.1999998 0.0033726
7.0999999 4.3000002 0.0033721
7.0999999 4.4000001 0.0033769
7.1999998 3.5999999 0.0033750
7.1999998 3.7000001 0.0033744
7.1999998 3.8000000 0.0033726
7.1999998 3.9000001 0.0033700
7.1999998 4.0000000 0.0033667
7.1999998 4.0999999 0.0033730
7.1999998 4.1999998 0.0033674
7.1999998 4.3000002 0.0033658
7.1999998 4.4000001 0.0033689
7.1999998 4.5000000 0.0033679
7.3000002 3.7000001 0.0033739
7.3000002 3.8000000 0.0033725
7.3000002 3.9000001 0.0033698
7.3000002 4.0000000 0.0033681
7.3000002 4.0999999 0.0033677
7.3000002 4.1999998 0.0033634
7.3000002 4.3000002 0.0033583
7.3000002 4.4000001 0.0033650
7.3000002 4.5000000 0.0033586
7.4000001 3.7000001 0.0033733
7.4000001 3.8000000 0.0033737
7.4000001 3.9000001 0.0033731
7.4000001 4.0000000 0.0033736
7.4000001 4.0999999 0.0033678
7.4000001 4.1999998 0.0033595
7.4000001 4.3000002 0.0033529
7.4000001 4.4000001 0.0033528
7.4000001 4.5000000 0.0033519
7.5000000 3.8000000 0.0033785
7.5000000 3.9000001 0.0033768
7.5000000 4.0000000 0.0033745
7.5000000 4.0999999 0.0033690
7.5000000 4.1999998 0.0033561
7.5000000 4.3000002 0.0033478
7.5000000 4.4000001 0.0033455
7.5000000 4.5000000 0.0081498
7.5999999 3.8000000 0.0033812
7.5999999 3.9000001 0.0033796
7.5999999 4.0000000 0.0033745
7.5999999 4.0999999 0.0033655
7.5999999 4.1999998 0.0033538
7.5999999 4.3000002 0.0033445
7.5999999 4.4000001 0.0033403
7.5999999 4.5000000 0.0033406
7.6999998 3.9000001 0.0033792
7.6999998 4.0000000 0.0033755
7.6999998 4.0999999 0.0033663
7.6999998 4.1999998 0.0033587
7.6999998 4.3000002 0.0033482
7.6999998 4.4000001 0.0033447
7.6999998 4.5000000 0.0033426
7.8000002 3.9000001 0.0033754
7.8000002 4.0000000 0.0033710
7.8000002 4.0999999 0.0033648
7.8000002 4.1999998 0.0033603
7.8000002 4.3000002 0.0033509
7.8000002 4.4000001 0.0033400
7.8000002 4.5000000 0.0033349
7.9000001 4.0000000 0.0033776
7.9000001 4.0999999 0.0033680
7.9000001 4.1999998 0.0033667
7.9000001 4.3000002 0.0033568
7.9000001 4.4000001 0.0033493
7.9000001 4.5000000 0.0073166
8.0000000 4.0000000 0.0033817
8.0000000 4.0999999 0.0033756
8.0000000 4.1999998 0.0033756
8.0000000 4.3000002 0.0033647
8.0000000 4.4000001 0.0033528
8.0000000 4.5000000 0.0033394
8.1000004 4.0999999 0.0033868
8.1000004 4.1999998 0.0033868
8.1000004 4.3000002 0.0033674
8.1000004 4.4000001 0.0033439
8.1000004 4.5000000 0.0033251
8.1999998 4.0999999 0.0034000
8.1999998 4.1999998 0.0033859
8.1999998 4.3000002 0.0033736
8.1999998 4.4000001 0.0033431
8.1999998 4.5000000 0.0033287
8.3000002 4.1999998 0.0033983
8.3000002 4.3000002 0.0033813
8.3000002 4.4000001 0.0033495
8.3000002 4.5000000 0.0033546
8.3999996 4.1999998 0.0070955
8.3999996 4.3000002 0.0033710
8.3999996 4.4000001 0.0033549
8.3999996 4.5000000 0.0033676
8.5000000 4.3000002 0.0034000
8.5000000 4.4000001 0.0033836
8.5000000 4.5000000 0.0033779
8.6000004 4.3000002 0.0034085
8.6000004 4.4000001 0.0033911
8.6000004 4.5000000 0.0070284
8.6999998 4.4000001 0.0036053
8.6999998 4.5000000 0.0033550
8.8000002 4.4000001 0.0033839
8.8000002 4.5000000 0.0033652
8.8999996 4.5000000 0.0033738
9.0000000 4.5000000 0.0033833
— The Data —
psxyz pts3d.dat  -R6.4/9.1/3.28/4.52/0.0033/0.0035 -JX12c/8c -Baf -Bza -BWSenZ -JZ5 -p200/30 -Su2p -P > ...

I appreciate your response!
I could do it with your script.

I really thank you for helping me.
