Centering of labels in the color bar

Hi all,

A query, how can I do to center the color bar labels? I tried with the -L0.1 option but it did not work. Also, how could I remove the horizontal lines from the labels?

This is my code:


gmt begin test_colorbar
cat > test.cpt <<END
# Color Table
-1484.68054199  37      57      175     -1370.67816772  40      127     251     ;10th class
-1370.67816772  40      127     251     -1256.67579345  50      190     255     ;9th class
-1256.67579345  50      190     255     -1142.67341918  106     235     255     ;8th class
-1142.67341918  106     235     255     -1028.67104491  138     236     174     ;7th class
-1028.67104491  138     236     174     -914.66867064   205     255     162     ;6th class
-914.66867064   205     255     162     -800.66629637   240     236     121     ;5th class
-800.66629637   240     236     121     -686.66392210   255     189     87      ;4th class
-686.66392210   255     189     87      -572.66154783   255     161     68      ;3rd class
-572.66154783   255     161     68      -458.65917356   255     186     133     ;2nd class
-458.65917356   255     186     133     -344.656799316  255     255     255     ;1st class
B       black
F       white
gmt colorbar -Ctest.cpt -R$region -DJMR+w5.0c/0.5c+o1.0c/-2.0c -L0.1 -V
gmt end show

And I get this figure:
test_colorbar.pdf (5.9 KB)

I am using GMT 6.6.0_4a8f608_2025.02.01.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Best wishes,

Have you looked at this example in the CookBook and associated script?

And you also want to use discrete CPTs for categorical displays.

Thank you Joaquim for your help. Yes, I used that script as a reference, but I had no luck. I was able to fix it with makecpt and the -F+c option.


gmt begin test_colorbar
cat > test.cpt <<END
# Color Table
-1484.68054199  37      57      175     -1370.67816772  40      127     251     ;10th class
-1370.67816772  40      127     251     -1256.67579345  50      190     255     ;9th class
-1256.67579345  50      190     255     -1142.67341918  106     235     255     ;8th class
-1142.67341918  106     235     255     -1028.67104491  138     236     174     ;7th class
-1028.67104491  138     236     174     -914.66867064   205     255     162     ;6th class
-914.66867064   205     255     162     -800.66629637   240     236     121     ;5th class
-800.66629637   240     236     121     -686.66392210   255     189     87      ;4th class
-686.66392210   255     189     87      -572.66154783   255     161     68      ;3rd class
-572.66154783   255     161     68      -458.65917356   255     186     133     ;2nd class
-458.65917356   255     186     133     -344.656799316  255     255     255     ;1st class
B       black
F       white
gmt makecpt -H -Ctest.cpt -F+c"10th class,9th class,8th class,7th class,6th class,5th class,4th class,3rd class,2nd class,1st class" > test_final.cpt -V
gmt colorbar -Ctest_final.cpt -R$region -DJMR+w5.0c/0.5c+o1.0c/-2.0c -L0.1c -V
gmt end show

I had as a result:
test_colorbar.pdf (5.8 KB)


Yes, categorical CPTs have their own mood. But for me (suffered with them once), now I just do like:

julia> C = makecpt(cmap=:categorical, range="Neogene,Paleogene,Cretaceous,Jurassic,Triassic,Permian,Carboniferous,Devonian,Silurian,Ordovician,Cambrian,Precambrian")
Extract of a GMTcpt exposed as a GMTdataset for display.
Model: rgb
Color depth: 24

12×5 GMTdataset{Float64, 2}
 Row │    z      r      g      b  alpha         Labels
   1 │  1.0    0.0  255.0    0.0    0.0        Neogene
   2 │  2.0    0.0    0.0  255.0    0.0      Paleogene
   3 │  3.0  255.0    0.0    0.0    0.0     Cretaceous
   4 │  4.0    0.0  255.0  255.0    0.0       Jurassic
   5 │  5.0  255.0  153.0  238.0    0.0       Triassic
   6 │  6.0  255.0  221.0  102.0    0.0        Permian
   7 │  7.0    0.0  102.0    0.0    0.0  Carboniferous
   8 │  8.0    0.0    0.0  102.0    0.0       Devonian
   9 │  9.0  170.0   85.0   68.0    0.0       Silurian
  10 │ 10.0    0.0  136.0  204.0    0.0     Ordovician
  11 │ 11.0  255.0   17.0  255.0    0.0       Cambrian
  12 │ 12.0  255.0  238.0  238.0    0.0    Precambrian

julia> viz(C)

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