Change beach ball color based on depth

Hello! I want to define the color of my beach balls according to the depth they have (and also to show that on the colorbar). How do I do it? There’s no a “fill” parameter as with figure.plot(). Thanks!

Here’s the plot part my code so far:

fig = pygmt.Figure()

# Create a colormap for depth values

pygmt.makecpt(cmap="jet", series=[df['depth'].min(), df['depth'].max()])

# Plot the topography and coordinate grid

fig.grdimage('@earth_relief_01m', region=region, projection='D0/-70/-90/-49/12c', cmap='geo')

fig.basemap(region=region, projection='D-0/70/-90/-49/12c', frame=True)

#Plot focal mechanisms








# Add colorbar with label "Profundidad focal (km)"

fig.colorbar(frame=["x+lProfundidad focal (km)", "y+lm"])

Hello @jcmefra,

Welcome to the GMT forum :slightly_smiling_face:!

Can you please provide the data you read into the pandas.DataFrame df. Please also report the values of the varaiable region. Currently, it is a bit difficult to figure out what is going wrong in detail.

Hello! The data head is this:


Region is this:

region = [-180, 180, -90, -50]

I’m being able to plot the beach balls but they are all black and white, I want to change the compressionfill color according to the depth.

Is it possible? I was able to do it with figure.plot(). Thanks!

Yes it is possible to color-code beachballs based on their hypocentral depths.

I feel the issue comes from having two colormaps:

  • one for the elevation of the grid: grdimage with “geo”
  • one for the hypocentral depth of the beachball: meca or makecpt with “jet”

You have to create the colormap for the hypocentral depth after calling grdimage. Otherwise, cmap=True used in meca will consider the colormap set up by grdimage.

Input txt file: meca_mt.txt (424 Bytes)

import pygmt
import pandas as pd

# Read txt file into Dataframe
df = pd.read_csv("meca_mt.txt", delimiter="\t")

# Define stuy area
region = [-180, 180, -90, -50]

# Create figure object
fig = pygmt.Figure()

# Plot the topography and coordinate grid
# Please note, I reduced the resolution from "01m" to "10m" to make the code run faster
fig.grdimage('@earth_relief_10m', region=region, projection='D0/-70/-90/-49/12c', cmap='geo')

fig.basemap(region=region, projection='D-0/70/-90/-49/12c', frame=True)

# Create a colormap for depth values
# Create the colormap for the hypocentral depth after "grdimage"
# Otherwise "cmap=True" considers the colormap (here "geo") set up by "grdimage"
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="jet", series=[df['depth'].min(), df['depth'].max()])

# Plot focal mechanisms

# Add colorbar with label "Profundidad focal (km)"
fig.colorbar(frame=["x+lProfundidad focal (km)", "y+lm"])
# fig.savefig(fname="meca_two_cpts.png")

Output figure:


@yvonnefroehlich, almost all of your replies should be put in a showcase gallery… just sayin’

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Thank you so much! I will update my code with your suggestions and come back if I’ve got any additional inquiry.