Color and size of symbol based in "z" value


I have a bit of experience with GMT and a few days ago I started working with PyGMT

I appreciate any help to solve the following question: I have a file with three columns: latitude, longitude and Bouguer anomalies. I was able to make a map where the color of the symbol is a function of the range of the Bouguer anomalies, but I want to make a map where the size and color of the symbol are a function of that range

I searched among the examples and in the forum, but I did not find any guide.

I really appreciate any help on how I could do what I’m looking for in PyGMT

Thank you


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Hmm, so by ‘function’, do you mean a linear function or a non-linear one? What are the min and max values of your range, and do you want the size to change in constant steps or on a different scale (e.g. log scale)?

For the size, you can set it using fig.plot(..., size=?), where the size parameter accepts an array of values (this can be your Bouguer anomaly column of data). Refer to

For colors, the function you’ll definitely need is pygmt.makecpt at

For inspiration, see these examples:

Those examples would require you to load your lon/lat/anomaly data into a pandas.DataFrame first. Maybe share a small sample of your data (e.g. 5 rows) so we can advise on how to plot it.

Alternatively, if you can get a working GMT bash script, we can translate it to PyGMT for you :grinning:

Hello weiji14

Thanks for the reply. Apologies if my previous message was not clear.

What I want to do in PyGMT is a figure like the following.

In this case, the size of the point is given by the values ​​of the variable and the color by a category that I defined.

The figure that I managed to do in PyGMT is the following, but all the points have the same size:

Captura de pantalla 2022-06-06 165955

I attach the code I use and some of the data

I will study the information of the links

Thanks for the help


Code.txt (886 Bytes)

ExampleData.txt (177 Bytes)