Creating a high resolution bathymetric map of Indian ocean (70°E to100°E and -5°N to 30°N)

Hi! I am a beginner in GMT. I want to create a high-resolution background bathymetric map of the Indian Ocean (70°E to100°E and -5°N to 30°N) showing the elevation scale. Can anybody instruct me or help me by constructing the code to generate the map? Thanks in advance.

Here’s something to start with:

gmt grdimage @earth_relief_02m -R70/100/-5/30 -Bxafg -Byafg -pdf indian-ocean
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Or if you want to add more stuff (the command above is a one liner):

gmt begin indian-ocean png

gmt grdimage @earth_relief_04m -JM20c -R70/100/-5/30 -Bxafg -Byafg

gmt grdcontour @earth_relief_04m -C1000 -L-10000/-1 -A+gwhite+a0

gmt end
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Thank you very much.

gmt begin indian-ocean png
gmt grdimage @earth_relief_04m -JM20c -R70/100/-5/30 -Bxafg -Byafg
gmt grdcontour @earth_relief_04m -C1000 -L-10000/-1 -A+gwhite+a0
gmt end

I like this. However, could you please help me to show the surrounding rivers and the active channels in the Bay of Bengal? (Please remove the internal gridlines)
Thanks once again.