Data clipping problem when plotting global sediment thickness data

I am trying to plot the sediment thickness dataset which can be accessed here global sediment thickness.
I don’t know why this clipping issue is coming in it. Can anyone helpmeout in this, how to solve this problem?

Here is the code:

fig = pygmt.Figure()
sediment_thickness_file = “/home/”
region1 = [119.5, 143.5, 22, 36]
interpolated_grid = pygmt.grdsample(grid=sediment_thickness_file, region=region1, interpolation=“b”, spacing=“0.1m”)
fig.grdimage(grid=interpolated_grid, region=region1, projection=“M20c”, frame=True, cmap=“globe”, shading=“+a600”, verbose=“q”)
fig.coast(resolution=“f”, shorelines=True)

this is the output I am getting" see fig 2 caption

Regions inside red dashed polygons indicate sediment thickness values taken from the Laske et al. (2013) grid with an original coarser grid node spacing (1°) than the other used grids.

you happened to hit one such region it seems - if I correctly understood your “clipping issue”.

So, it can not be corrected basically?

Authors wrote their data is at 5 arc min, this region has source data resolution of 1 degree, so the authors likely interpolated it at 5 arc min (they wrote they used gmt for the data preparation). Now you are trying to interpolate it at 10 cm 0.1 arc minute (as indicated by Yvonne below).

I guess it won’t look any better.

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Just one side comment to avoid confusions, in spacing="0.1m" the unit m means arc minutes not meters (meters would be e). Please see the spacing parameter at

… Optionally, append an increment unit. Choose among m to indicate arc-minutes or s to indicate arc-seconds. If one of the units e , f , k , M , n or u is appended instead, the increment is assumed to be given in meter, foot, km, mile, nautical mile or US survey foot, respectively, …

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thanks for the correction. I keep messing up m with meters all the time.