Earthquake Map

Hello everyone, I need your help to plot earthquakes (last 5 Years) for this region region=[30, 70, 10, 40] using pyGMT


  1. download and prepare the data (Search Earthquake Catalog)
  2. follow and tweak this tutorial: Plotting data points — PyGMT
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Hello @hakimsaibi,

welcome to the GMT forum :slightly_smiling_face: !

Hm. Your question is quite general. Do you want to plot the earthquakes as simple points, or do you want to plot them as focal mechanisms (beach balls)? Do you want to use color or / and size-coding to indicate, for example, the hypocentral depth and the (moment) magnitude of the events, respectively?

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Hello @yvonnefroehlich thank you for your message. Just want to plot the earthquakes as simple points and use color to indicate the depth and magnitude (size) of the events.

Hi, after downloading the earthquake data and runing the code, I got this error message: SyntaxError: (unicode error) ‘unicodeescape’ codec can’t decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape