Error attempting to plot ellipses

Hi All,

I’m encountering an error when trying to plot ellipses using pygmt in a notebook, and I’m not sure what to make of it.

I tried the following from the tutorial on multi-parameter symbols:

data = [[0.5, 1, 45, 3, 1]]
fig.plot(data=data, style="e", color="orange", pen="2p,black")

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-82859c6b5f8c> in <module>
      1 # ELLIPSE
      2 data = [[0.5, 1, 45, 3, 1]]
----> 3 fig.plot(data=data, style="e", color="orange", pen="2p,black")

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\site-packages\pygmt\helpers\ in new_module(*args, **kwargs)
    268                 if alias in kwargs:
    269                     kwargs[arg] = kwargs.pop(alias)
--> 270             return module_func(*args, **kwargs)
    272         new_module.aliases = aliases

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\site-packages\pygmt\helpers\ in new_module(*args, **kwargs)
    409                         kwargs[arg] = separators[fmt].join(f"{item}" for item in value)
    410             # Execute the original function and return its output
--> 411             return module_func(*args, **kwargs)
    413         return new_module

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\site-packages\pygmt\ in plot(self, x, y, data, sizes, direction, **kwargs)
    817                 )
--> 819             with file_context as fname:
    820                 arg_str = " ".join([fname, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
    821                 lib.call_module("plot", arg_str)

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\ in __enter__(self)
    111         del self.args, self.kwds, self.func
    112         try:
--> 113             return next(self.gen)
    114         except StopIteration:
    115             raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\site-packages\pygmt\clib\ in virtualfile_from_matrix(self, matrix)
   1268         # guarantees that the copy will be around until the virtual file is
   1269         # closed.
-> 1270         matrix = as_c_contiguous(matrix)
   1271         rows, columns = matrix.shape

~\Anaconda3\envs\pygmt\lib\site-packages\pygmt\clib\ in as_c_contiguous(array)
    205     """
--> 206     if not array.flags.c_contiguous:
    207         return array.copy(order="C")
    208     return array

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'flags'

I’m on windows 10 using a pygmt environment and I’m still a bit of a noob. Please help!


It should work if you format the data as a numpy 2d array rather than a list. Here is an example:

import pygmt
import numpy as np
data = np.array([[0.5, 1, 45, 3, 1]])
fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.plot(data=data, frame=True, region=[0,1,0.5,1.5], projection="X5c", style="e", color="orange", pen="2p,black")
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'flags'

I think the error you’re having has been fixed in, and your original script should work as expected if you’re using PyGMT v0.3.1.

Thank you both! Updating and converting data to numpy arrays worked a treat. Cheers!