ERROR: grdimage: Not a supported grid format

Hello All,

I’m using GMT ver. 4.5.2 [64-bit] under Debian. I have an output file from a numerical model in Golden Software Surfer Grid 6 text file format. When I’m executing the following gmt command

$ grdimage gridfile.grd … >

I receive the following error message:
grdimage: Not a supported grid format [gridfile.grd]

When I convert grid file to Golden Software Surfer Grid 7 binary file format using the Surfer, then grdimage executes OK.

Since I need to automate the process of figures generation, my question is how to make GMT ver. 4.5.2 accept Golden Software Surfer Grid 6 text file format input grid files?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

You can’t. GMT4 development stop ~10 years ago. The solution is obvious no? Update GMT. :yum:

Thanks, but this is out of my control.

Note that everybody can install a local copy of GMT in his home directory.

Thanks again. “The customer” does not consider this solution.

But is there a way that I can make grdimage use text table in the form

I have tried the following commands:

$ grdimage -fi0x,1y …
$ grdimage -fig …
$ grdimage -fi0x,1y,2f …

but I get error message
grdimage: Not a supported grid format []

Thank you.

No. grdimage needs an grid format. I don’t remember what GMT4 can do anymore but maybe you can try the xyz2grd route. That program can ingest xyz and convert it into a grid format that grdimage accepts.

Thank you very much.