Error pygmt GMTCLibError: Module 'grdimage' failed with status code 78

Hello, I have a problem while creating a map via grdimage and I don’t know how to fix it…

GMTCLibError: Module 'grdimage' failed with status code 78:
grdblend [ERROR]: Failed to remove C:\Users\Maureen\AppData\Local\Temp/! [remove error: Permission denied]
grdblend [ERROR]: Failed to delete file C:\Users\Maureen\AppData\Local\Temp/
grdimage [ERROR]: Dimensions of intensity grid do not match that of the data grid!

This is the code I wrote:

import pygmt

fig.basemap(region=region, projection="M8i", frame=True)
fig.grdimage("@earth_relief_03s", cmap='geo', shading=True)
fig.coast(rivers='a/0.5,skyblue', water='skyblue')

Hi @Saren,

This is most likely due to the ‘shading’ setting, and it looks similar to the issue reported at which should have been fixed with GMT 6.1.0, and it might work with PyGMT v0.1.2. However, I can reproduce this error on which uses these latest versions. I’ll do a bit more investigation to see where the problem is.

In the meantime, could you let us know what version of PyGMT/GMT you are using? Try doing pygmt.show_versions(), or if that doesn’t work, use pygmt.__version__() inside Python and gmt --version on the command-line.

Ok, I think this might be an upstream GMT bug (ping @admins) and it doesn’t look to be fixed in the latest GMT 6.1 branch. This is the equivalent GMT bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
gmt begin ales png
    gmt basemap -R3.970/4.270/44.000/44.250 -JM8i -B
    gmt grdimage @earth_relief_03s -Cgeo -I -V
    gmt coast -Ia/0.5,skyblue -Sskyblue
    gmt coast -N1/1,black
gmt end show

and the error message:

gmt [INFORMATION]: Reading grid from file
gmt [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
gmt [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for bottom edge: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Reading Data Table from file ~/.gmt/sessions/gmt_session.27776/=tiled_80_PO.000000
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Given domain implies x_inc = 0.000833333
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Given domain implies y_inc = 0.000833333
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed geographic grid increment for latitude from 0.00416666666666666834 to 0.00416666666666666661
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Blend file ~/.gmt/server/earth/earth_relief/earth_relief_03s_g/ in 3/4/44/45 with normal weight 1 [-900-300]
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Blend file ~/.gmt/server/earth/earth_relief/earth_relief_03s_g/ in 4/5/44/45 with normal weight 1 [-900-300]
grdblend [WARNING]: File has different increments (0.00416666666667/0.00416666666667) than the output grid (0.000833333333333/0.000833333333333) - must resample
grdblend [WARNING]: File coordinates are phase-shifted w.r.t. the output grid - must resample
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Resample via grdsample -rg -I0.000833333333333/0.000833333333333 -R3.96666666667/4.27083333333/44/44.25 -G/tmp/ -Vi -fg --GMT_HISTORY=false
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Processing input grid
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed geographic grid increment for latitude from 0.00416666666666666834 to 0.00416666666666666661
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Given domain implies x_inc = 0.000833333
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Given domain implies y_inc = 0.000833333
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Input  grid (0/10/40/50) n_columns = 2400 n_rows = 2400 dx = 0.00416666666667 dy = 0.00416666666667 registration = 1
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Output grid (3.96666666667/4.27083333333/44/44.25) n_columns = 366 n_rows = 301 dx = 0.000833333333315 dy = 0.000833333333333 registration = 0
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Reading grid from file ~/.gmt/server/earth/earth_relief/earth_relief_15s_p/
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for left   edge: natural
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for right  edge: natural
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
grdsample [INFORMATION]: Writing grid to file /tmp/
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed geographic grid increment for longitude from 0.000833333333315067399 to 0.000833333333333333387
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed grid limit for xmin from 3.966666666666667 to 3.966666666666667
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed grid limit for xmax from 4.270833333333334 to 4.270833333333334
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Blend file /tmp/ in 0/10/40/50 with normal weight 1 [0-300]
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Processing input grids
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed geographic grid increment for longitude from 0.000833333333315067399 to 0.000833333333333333387
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed grid limit for xmin from 3.966666666666667 to 3.966666666666667
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Round-off patrol changed grid limit for xmax from 4.270833333333334 to 4.270833333333334
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Processed row     301 of 301
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Referencing grid data to GMT_GRID memory location
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for all edges: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for left   edge: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for right  edge: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for bottom edge: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
grdblend [INFORMATION]: Blended grid size of @GMTAPI@-S-O-G-G-G-Y-000002 is 366 x 301
grdblend [INFORMATION]: All nodes assigned values
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for all edges: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for left   edge: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for right  edge: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for bottom edge: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Central meridian not given, default to 4.12
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Map scale is 1.6435 km per cm or 1:164350.
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Derive intensity grid from data grid
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Calling grdgradient with args -G@GMTAPI@-S-O-G-G-G-Y-000015 -A-45.0 -Nt1+a0 -R3.968333333333333/4.270833333333333/44/44.25 --GMT_HISTORY=false @GMTAPI@-S-I-G-G-G-N-000001
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Processing input grid
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for right  edge: natural
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for bottom edge: natural
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
grdgradient [INFORMATION]:  Min Mean Max sigma intensities:grdgradient [INFORMATION]: 	-0.720555859751	-0.00802364892491	0.890532427816	0.1258832986
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Referencing grid data to GMT_GRID memory location
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for right  edge: natural
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for bottom edge: natural
grdgradient [INFORMATION]: Set boundary condition for top    edge: natural
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Allocate and read data from file ~/.gmt/sessions/gmt_session.27776/=tiled_80_PO.000000
grdimage [INFORMATION]: Allocates memory and read intensity file
grdimage [ERROR]: Dimensions of intensity grid do not match that of the data grid!

The plot shows up empty, no terrain or anything:

version information:

PyGMT information:
  version: v0.1.2+40.gfc246e7a
System information:
  python: 3.7.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jun  1 2020, 18:57:50)  [GCC 7.5.0]
  executable: ~/miniconda3/envs/pygmt/bin/python
  machine: Linux-5.4.0-42-generic-x86_64-with-debian-bullseye-sid
Dependency information:
  numpy: 1.19.1
  pandas: 1.1.1
  xarray: 0.16.0
  netCDF4: 1.5.3
  packaging: 20.4
  ghostscript: 9.22
  gmt: 6.1.0
GMT library information:
  binary dir: ~/miniconda3/envs/pygmt/bin
  cores: 6
  grid layout: rows
  library path: ~/gmt-install-dir/lib/
  padding: 2
  plugin dir: ~/gmt-install-dir/lib/gmt/plugins
  share dir: ~/gmt-install-dir/share
  version: 6.1.1

I noticed that this is only a problem for the 3 arc second and 1 arc second earth relief grids, using 15 arc second (i.e. @earth_relief_15s) and lower resolutions don’t seem to be a problem.

Yes, the same issue was reported here: Gradient problem using earth_relief_03s
THe workaround is to give w/e/s/n in exact multiples of 3 arc seconds. The command-line script works for me with -R3:57/4:18/44:00/44:15.

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Ah good, thanks Paul! I thought I had seen that problem somewhere before. @Saren, the equivalent PyGMT code would be as below (note that we’re setting the region to be in degrees, minutes, seconds instead of decimal degrees):

import pygmt

# region = [3.970, 4.270, 44.000, 44.250]
region = ["3:57", "4:18", "44:00", "44:15"]
fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=region, projection="M8i", frame=True)
fig.grdimage("@earth_relief_03s", cmap="geo", shading=True)
fig.coast(rivers="a/0.5,skyblue", water="skyblue")


Might need to play around with the rivers/water/borders setting, doesn’t seem to show up on the map.

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And if you are completely on land then you can specify srtm_relief_03s instead and it will work with your original region. I am working on the underlying problem.

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Underlying problem has been fixed in GMT master and 6.1 branches.

Thanks you all for your help and fast answer!