Error using project

Hi all,

Using GMT 6.1.1 I’m running this:
gmt project -C25/25 -A90 -G10 -L0/100

which produces:
25 25 0
36.0096607212 24.5947665927 10
46.8802326724 23.3989618699 20
57.498584871 21.4690235198 30
67.7948746076 18.8895204322 40
77.7476454194 15.762700257 50
87.3788696524 12.1990816904 60
96.7438759891 8.31087173132 70
105.920532527 4.20854251913 80
115 9.54166404439e-15 90
124.079467473 -4.20854251913 100

If the azimuth of projection is 90 (-A90), why are the calculated locations have decreasing latitudes?



Well, it is a great circle, not a parallel along lat = 25.

oops… lockdown takes its toll.

Thanks Paul