Events only reading first occurence of a timestamp

I’m trying to make my first GMT movie. I got it somewhat to work but I’m struggling plotting symbols for several events with the same timestamp. So far only the first occurence of a timestamp is plotted.

My data is structured like in the following table and currently only the bold lines are plotted. Every data point is a position report of an aircraft.

lon(deg) lat(deg) alt(ft) time(unix)
7.010317 50.582544 7225 1685577600
7.127455 50.881577 950 1685577600
7.39751 50.697968 4350 1685577600
8.04669 50.258057 2300 1685577600
7.018601 50.584991 7150 1685577605
7.12326 50.884575 1125 1685577605
7.390755 50.701401 4200 1685577605
8.042787 50.256042 2325 1685577605
7.026552 50.587326 7075 1685577610
7.119215 50.887573 1325 1685577610
7.384594 50.70488 4100 1685577610
8.038874 50.253979 2325 1685577610
7.034647 50.589752 7025 1685577615
7.114612 50.890961 1500 1685577615
7.378998 50.708329 3975 1685577615
8.034981 50.251923 2325 1685577615

example_data.txt (3.2 KB)

I want all points (=all aircraft positions) with a given timestamp plotted in a single frame. So far I only get one aircraft to show up in the movie.

My events call looks like this:

gmt events example_data.txt \
    -R007:30/49:30/010:00/50:45r \
    -JL008:45/50:01:59.90/49:31:59.90/50:31:59.90/17.3562c \
    -Sc5p -Gred \
    --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -T${MOVIE_COL0} -i0,1,3

Am I doing something obvious wrong? Please nudge me in the right direction.

Some code to play with:

My file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cat << EOF > box.txt
0 0
6.6439 0
6.6439 13.5
0 13.5
0 0

cat <<- EOF | gmt sample1d -ft --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -I5 -Fa > times.txt

gmt begin background ps
    gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE=inside
	gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN=0p,black
	gmt set PS_MEDIA=24cx13.5c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_X=6.6439c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_Y=0
    gmt plot -R0/6.6439/0/13.5 -JX6.6439c/13.5c box.txt -Gblack -D-6.6439c/0
gmt end

gmt movie -C24cx13.5cx160 -Ttimes.txt -Nfra-tracks -H8 -Fmp4 --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -Z

My file:

gmt begin
    gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE=inside
	gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN=0p,black
	gmt set PS_MEDIA=24cx13.5c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_X=6.6439c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_Y=0
    gmt events example_data.txt \
        -R007:30/49:30/010:00/50:45r \
        -JL008:45/50:01:59.90/49:31:59.90/50:31:59.90/17.3562c \
        -Sc5p -Gred \
        --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -T${MOVIE_COL0} -i0,1,3
        echo "Timestamp ${MOVIE_COL0}"
gmt end

Hi Kristof

Try with this script only (and your data file).

This is the last frame.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# 1. Create needed files
cat << 'EOF' >
gmt begin
# A. Create box
cat << FILE > box.txt
0 0
6.6439 0
6.6439 13.5
0 13.5
0 0

# B. Create "timefile" for movie
cat <<- FILE | gmt sample1d -ft --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -I5 -Fa > times.txt

# C. Create background map
    gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE=inside
	gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN=0p,black
	gmt set PS_MEDIA=24cx13.5c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_X=6.6439c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_Y=0
    gmt plot -R0/6.6439/0/13.5 -JX6.6439c/13.5c box.txt -Gblack -D-6.6439c/0 -Y0c -X0c
gmt end
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 2. Create main script
cat << 'EOF' >
gmt begin
    gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE=inside
	gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN=0p,black
	gmt set PS_MEDIA=24cx13.5c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_X=6.6439c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_Y=0
    gmt events example_data.txt \
        -R007:30/49:30/010:00/50:45r \
        -JL008:45/50:01:59.90/49:31:59.90/50:31:59.90/17.3562c \
        -Sc5p -Gred \
        --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -T${MOVIE_COL0} -i0,1,3 -Y0c -X0c
        #echo "Timestamp ${MOVIE_COL0}"
gmt end
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 3. Run the movie
#gmt movie -C24cx13.5cx160 -Ttimes.txt -Nfra-tracks -H8 -Fmp4 --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -Zs
gmt movie -C2160p -Ttimes.txt -Nfra-tracks -H8 -Ml,png --TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX -Zs -Fmp4 -Vi

# 4. Remove temporary files
rm box.txt times.txt

Hi Federico,

thank you for your answer. If you look at the sample data the last three points have the same timestamp but different positions:

lon lat alt time
7.19701 50.637476 5000 1685577720
7.271729 50.781788 2050 1685577720
7.954918 50.209987 2475 1685577720

Same goes for the timestamps before those. So I expected to see three different trajectories instead of just one.

Have you used events -Ar for plotting trajectories? Maybe this is the way to go?

I think that you will need to split your input file in 4 and then use a gmt events for each one

I have a doubt. Do you want to plot the “now” position? or the trajectory (so, the “now” and the past positions)?

I want to have something like a trail

   O o . . . . . . . . . . 

behind the now position. As I don’t know how many aircraft are in my frame I’m not sure how I can determine the amount of calls to gmt events.

I don’t know if something like

> aircraft1
lon lat timestamp1
lon lat timestamp2
lon lat timestamp3
lon lat timestamp4
lon lat timestamp5
> aircraft2
lon lat timestamp1
lon lat timestamp2
lon lat timestamp3
lon lat timestamp4
lon lat timestamp5
lon lat timestamp6
> aircraft3
lon lat timestamp1
lon lat timestamp2
lon lat timestamp3
lon lat timestamp4
lon lat timestamp5
lon lat timestamp6

would work when I dont want to plot lines but just symbols at a given timestamp.


How did you achieve that? That looks awesome!

Update the main script with this. Notice that I change the region so I could see the 4 planes. In the original region, 3 were always outside the region.

cat << 'EOF' >
gmt begin
    gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE=inside
	gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN=0p,black
	gmt set PS_MEDIA=24cx13.5c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_X=6.6439c
	gmt set MAP_ORIGIN_Y=0
    gmt set TIME_SYSTEM=UNIX
    gmt basemap -R007:00/49:30/010:00/51:00r -JL008:45/50:01:59.90/49:31:59.90/50:31:59.90/17.3562 -Baf
    grep ${MOVIE_COL0} ../../example_data.txt | gmt plot -Sc5p -Gred
    gmt end
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You could also events to get the trayectory

    gmt basemap -R007:00/49:30/010:00/51:00r -JL008:45/50:01:59.90/49:31:59.90/50:31:59.90/17.3562 -Baf
    gmt events example_data.txt -i0,1,3 -T${MOVIE_COL0} -Sc2p -Gblack
    grep ${MOVIE_COL0} ../../example_data.txt | gmt plot -Sc5p -Gred

Sorry, I got confused. There is no need to use grep. Just use events like this for example:

gmt events example_data.txt -i0,1,3 -T${MOVIE_COL0} -Sc1p -Gred -Es+d60 -Ms3+c1 -Mt+c0