Extrude Italia

One more in 3D meshes series. Now we extrude Italy and paint it (low res) with “earth_day_01m”

using GMT

# Low resolution country polygons
Dit = coast(M=true, DCW=(country=:IT, file=:ODS));

# Extrude and paint the quadrangulated mesh
FV = flatfv("@earth_day_01m", shape=Dit, thickness=0.5);

viz(FV, zsize=0.5, frame=:none, view=(200, 45))


So very close from ray-tracing.
Are you working on a blender module already ?

No, unfortunately nothing of those powerful tools. This all ``psxyz` with triangulations (or other polygons, quadrangles in this case). The crazy work is to find the right order to plot the faces. But again, all pure GMT.

Guilia Mapping Tools ?
