Figure truncated at the bottom in modern mode

Hi There,
I was running GMT 6.1.0 in modern mode and found that the output figure in PDF format is truncated at the bottom. Here are the commands I used to begin and end the session:

gmt begin CapFoldAndProfile_PRFvSref_Lat33.8_in pdf D…/PDFFile
gmt gmtset FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 5p,0,black # lat/lon, scale bar values, scale bar title
gmt gmtset FONT_LABEL 5p
gmt gmtset FONT_TAG 10p,Helvetica-Bold,black
gmt gmtset FONT_TITLE 9p,Helvetica-Bold

gmt gmtset MAP_FRAME_PEN 1p,black
gmt gmtset MAP_FRAME_TYPE plain
gmt gmtset MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY 0.01i,gray,0.05_0.05:0i
gmt gmtset MAP_TITLE_OFFSET 10p
gmt gmtset FORMAT_GEO_MAP D
gmt end show


I don’t see any plotting commands in your script. Note that the plot origin is close to the bottom-left corner of the paper, so if you shift the plot origin downward, you may get truncated plot at the bottom.

OK, I think that’s probably the cause of the problem. My question then is how the size of the paper is defined in my case, as there is no explicit definition of the paper size in my code.

In modern mode, the paper size is 11.55 meter by 11.55 meter, which is the maximum paper size allowed by postscript language. The plot origin is a few inches (I don’t remember the exact numbers) away from the bottom-left corner of the huge paper.