Focal mechanism and Tectonic plates modelling

Hi user
I am babloo student of MS Seismology. I am new user on GMT community and i want to use it frequently. i want to install GMT for window 10 please help me and tell me step by step procedures and about the path at the end. Plz also tell me what kind of supporting software require to install. or either it is standalone version for generic mapping of topo and geographic and focal mechanism and tectonic plate modelling.

Did you read the GMT docs, namely the installing instructions?

Hi babloo, as @Joaquim mentioned, please try to follow the install guide (see the bottom of If you have trouble let us know so we can fix the instructions.

Sir Joaquim and Leouieda
i have install the GMt with all supporting file same time.
but i dont know what is input file in gmt command window and how enter the data to make a file and plot the foca mechanism on GMT of out study area? help me and send me one program with input file and geivn step by step instruction to plot a focal mechanism on study area.

sir i cant find the path of GMT. i have installed complete GMT package with directories and library.

Sir i could find and understand the path how i can give this. there is bugs given below shown when i enter GMT or gmt or psbasemap
sir this type or error has been occurred during files how i read and what type of files these and what type of error this. how i can remove this to make a map my first map plz reply.

C:\Users\nas> -JM10c -R80/110/0/35 -Ba10 >
‘-JM10c’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\nas>operable program or batch file.
‘operable’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

@babloo there is no point in asking help if you don’t help yourself. You have been pointed to the documentation. I’m doing it again, read and practice the tutorial.

thanks sir,
this is window based window 10 64 bit now the problem is how use it and how give the path i cant understand to give the path. i have installed GMT 6.0.0.
that why i contacting you frequently. if i succeed to make one and first map then this is my big achievement for me.
so please help me to resolve it. thanks for cooperation.

Tell us. Have you looked at the tutorial that I pointed you?

@babloo as Joaquim pointed out, compare the code you pasted here with the GMT tutorial Does it look the same? GMT is not a simple GUI that you can learn without reading the tutorial.

yes sir i have fallow the tutorial but i think here is some problem.
i dont how and when i will be able to draw my first map on gmt using windows 10.
i have install gmt 6.0 with . the gmt comand promt window is attached,

when i type ps coast. this is running well.
when i type psbasemp then this is also running but how extract map and what kind of input what are misssing files sir please help me.
when i type map then it asked input file,
how and what type of input file.
if i type map. sir plz share me where was fault.
Thanks plz reply me soon.

this is second file to want make a geographic map

Looks like you are typing commands that are may look like GMT commands but are not:

base map: Clearly your system has a program called base and it is complaining.
ps map: There is no program called ps.

Presumably you are trying to type commands like

gmt psbasemap
gmt pscoast

thanks for rply sir,
sir what is missing,
how called ps and how give input file, .dat or .xls, or any other?
how called .dat or .xls files in gmt command promt,
according to the scree shot either gmt is completly installed or not?
this give mostly dispaly
not found internal of external memory ? what is this sir?
sir plz help me to draw my first map in gmt . i shallbe very thankful whole life.
waiting reply.

@babloo It will take you nowhere if you keep ask vague questions like
how give input file, .dat or .xls. That is simply not how it works and you will get no help. You said you studied the tutorial. So you must have experimented this example. Didn’t it work?

gmt begin GMT_tut_3
	gmt coast -R-90/-70/0/20 -JM6i -B -Gchocolate
gmt end show

What you need is the GMT cookbook with snippets of code showing how to make maps. Please study this carefully and you should be able to solve most of your problems.

sir you are right. i am always ask vague question and you are teacher available for answer. problem with me not all others who are experts in computer language. here is my initial stage for installing. i gave code and msg displaying tha GSHHG is not available. and now tell me how will install and how give the path file from gmt to GSHHG. please tell me. and one thing sir i have very little knowledge about computer so its my fond to learn the gmt please. help me

sir you are right. i am always ask vague question and you are teacher available for answer. problem with me not all others who are experts in computer language. here is my initial stage for installing. i gave code and msg displaying tha GSHHG is not available. and now tell me how will install and how give the path file from gmt to GSHHG. please tell me. and one thing sir i have very little knowledge about computer so its my fond to learn the gmt please. help me

We understand english is not your native language, but perhaps use google translate so you can post sentences others can understand. Since you are on Windows, here is what you should do:

  1. Install Git for windows, comes with bash
  2. Install GMT 6.1.0 via our windows installer
  3. Try the examples in the GMT tutorial. Type them exactly as shown. Dont leave out the leading gmt and dont add random text like a leading ps before a command etc.

Sorry again for disturbing you.
Sir i have installed GMT 6.1.0 and Git bash. sir where command will be type either in gitbash command or in gmt command window. how we set the path of these two. and further sir please where is your final tutorial on net. i have download many tutorials but i cant seen any example which you were asked to me for enter just. i have write a program it give <unexpected at this time? error has been displayed. is there any path problem. please tell me and correct this. i am bit confused. solve this error. then i want to draw the first map in GMT. send me example i want as it type and will see results. plz.