Fresh install (MacOS 11)

Hi there,

I finally installed a brand new clean version of Big Sur on my laptop, and now comes the time to re-install softwares.

Three of them gave me a headache last time : GMT, LaTeX… and Ghostscript because of the shared libraries and the lack of transparency support (-dSAFER if I remember correctly? I know the topic appears here two or three times a year…)

So here’s my question to more Unix-aware people :

How to install GS, GMT and LaTeX together as cleanly as possible?
From the bundles ? With Brew ? Compile it from the repo ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

How to install GS, GMT and LaTeX together as cleanly as possible?
From the bundles ? With Brew ? Compile it from the repo ?

If you’re already a Homebrew user, using homebrew is the easiest way.

But is it the cleanest? Because brew doesn’t propose latex nor old version of gs (if I’m not mistaken)

Homebrew now provides Ghostscript 9.53.3 (, which no longer has the transparency bug.

As for latex, Homebrew provides more options:

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macOS bundle may be the “cleanest” way to install GMT, but it also means you can only use the GMT stable releases, and can’t use the GMT master branch.

Hum… fair… I need to run a specific flag or is it just through brew update?
Thanks for the update on homebrew, I indeed was mistaken :slight_smile:

You can install the GMT master branch using

brew install gmt --HEAD

A few weeks later, if you want to update to the latest master branch, you need to run

brew reinstall gmt

to re-compile and re-install GMT. The compilation usually takes no more than 5 minutes for me.

I’ll try that tomorrow:)