Hi, I’m having a problem with GMT using GEBCO_01s. I was expecting to have a better quality map of the Etna region, but it doesn’t look very nice. I’m will let here the code and an image of the result, I think maybe I’m forgetting something. Help!!!
# projection
gmt grdcut @earth_gebco_01s -Gtopografia_sic.grd -R${r} -V
gmt begin
gmt figure test pdf E300
gmt grdimage -J${j} -R${r} @earth_gebco_01s
gmt end show
I don’t see any issue. The output is probably downsampled a little due to excess of information? You can increase the “DPI” value to have a finer resolution. You can also increase the size of the projection (-JM30c)… In both cases, it will result in a heavier pdf file.
As for the bathymetry:
Note: The 3 and 1 arc second grids only extend to latitudes ±60˚ and are only available over land. When these grids are accessed as @earth_gebco_01s or @earth_gebco_03s we will automatically up-sample the relevant @earth_gebco_15s tiles to fill in the missing ocean values.
Side note :
For “nicer” map, you can add illumination from grdimage
You cut out the topographia_sic grid, but not using it (calling @gebco again instead)