Global Earth Relief Grids


I am trying to use remote srtm model in my gmt script. While executing getting several errors as follows:
gmt grdgradient @earth_relief_rru01s -R22/27/47.7/51 -A0/270 -Ne0.6 -V
earth_relief_rru01s: Download file from the GMT data server [data set size is 41G].
earth_relief_rru01s: Earth Relief at 1x1 arc seconds tiles provided by SRTMGL1 (land only) [NASA/USGS].

grdgradient [ERROR]: Libcurl Error: HTTP response code said error
grdgradient [ERROR]: You can turn remote file download off by setting GMT_DATA_SERVER_LIMIT = 0.
earth_relief_rru01s: Download file from the GMT data server [data set size is 41G].
earth_relief_rru01s: Earth Relief at 1x1 arc seconds tiles provided by SRTMGL1 (land only) [NASA/USGS].

grdgradient [ERROR]: Libcurl Error: HTTP response code said error
grdgradient [ERROR]: You can turn remote file download off by setting GMT_DATA_SERVER_LIMIT = 0.
grdgradient [ERROR]: File earth_relief_rru01s.grd not found
[Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_FILE_NOT_FOUND (16)

Is it any reasons for this in my script or this is related to remote host?

Best Regards

The error message could be more clear but this file name is wrong. Man says:

where rr is a 2-digit integer specifying the grid resolution in the unit u, where u is either d, m or s for arc degree, arc minute or arc second, respectively. The following codes for rru are supported:

which is confirmed by the message at the end grdgradient [ERROR]: File earth_relief_rru01s.grd not found. You want just @earth_relief_01s

Thanks :slight_smile:

That is a pretty bad message. I think we need to prescreen earth_relief_* requests since we know what is allowed - no point having the remote server get frustrated. I will file a feature request.

Problem fixed in the repository and will take affect in 6.0.1 when that is released.

FYI, here is the link to the change made in GMT following the discussion: Prevent libcurl from downloading nonexistant files by PaulWessel · Pull Request #1979 · GenericMappingTools/gmt · GitHub

@dmmarch thanks for bringing this to our attention! :+1: