The next GMT Community Zoom Meeting will be on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at UTC 1900! All are welcome! Here’s a preliminary agenda for the meeting - feel free to suggest more agenda items by commenting in this thread.
New ghostscript out - sometimes leads to breakages; need to install latest (v9.55) and run all the tests
Mostly focusing on bug fixing, new features exist
Windows 11 recently released - would be good to find a way to test GMT
4 out of 5 animations have been updated so far, one more still to update. There’s a cool animation by Federico about Indiana Jones flying around a map, and Paul is working on an animation about zooming in closer to a place with seamless resolution change.
Meghan will make adjustments to teams if no objections via GitHub by next week
Updating datasets on GMT server
Plan to release new versions after dvc update for GMT tests
Working with SOEST to setup test URL
Adding newest SRTM15+ (publication in progress)
Two new versions - one newest update and the other a product with John Goff to make predictions at highest frequencies based on studies of abyssal hill patterns and gaussian small seamounts (earth_synbath)
SRTM15+ updates are sporadic - will create a GitHub Action to check for latest updates
Got permission to put gravity datasets with series of resolutions
Two magnetic grids (EMAG and wdmam)
All using the creators’ preferred colormaps as the defaults
Updates of remote files and source code are decoupled, except that all documentation occurs in the GMT repository so it would be helpful to coordinate such that the documentation is included in 6.3
Coastline data: Dcw is quite old and does not agree with the OSM
Plans to update GSHHG
Difficulty modelling regions with area below sea level
Joachim suggested using GADM, which is a newer dataset but GMT can’t redistribute it due to licensing issues
SWOT mission included inland lakes dataset
Any other business
PyGMT has a 3 min (virtual only) lightning talk for AGU in December on Friday afternoon
Paul will be on sabbatical in Oxford next year in Northern Hemisphere Spring, and then Norway