We will have another GMT Community Meeting on Zoom on Thursday, January 21 at 1800 UTC (HST 0800)! An agenda and link will be posted next week. Please note that this is delayed by one week from the tentative date set at the last community meeting.
Agenda for January 21, 2021
(please post any requests to add items to the agenda)
- Updates
- Number of open issues/PRs
- NASA Proposal
- GMT themes
- Developer documentation
- Plan to start on how-to guides (6.3 release)
- 6.2 release date
- Outreachy internships
- Refactoring plan and long-option dictionary for core/wrapper consistency
Notice: The GMT Community Meetings are recorded and posted on the GenericMappingTools YouTube channel.
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Meeting ID: 960 3374 6516
Shared meeting notes are here:
Agenda and notes (copied from google docs, forum admins feel free to edit to add links):
- Updates
- Number of open issues (183) / PRs (14)
- 12/21/2020-01/21/2021 - 50 merged PRs; 21 closed issues; 10 new issue; 8 authors; 436 files, 3,526 additions; 1,457 deletions
- Mentioning to determine if the numbers of getting out of hand
- NASA Proposal
- Submitted Tuesday
- GMT themes
- Update - need to check on tests
- Discussion about tests and whether to update or move to separate directory
- Joaquim - recommends setting the tests to use classic theme
- Developer documentation
- New developer documentation tab in the sidebar of the GMT docs
- New discussion about refactoring - will discuss in detail later in meeting
- Sandbox repo contains guru docs - contains bits and pieces of background material - repurpose into developer docs for everyone
- Plan to start on how-to guides (6.3 release)
- Update that they will be started, first step is a how-to guide for how-to guides
- Kristof idea - it would be helpful to both have the starter how-to guides and more examples in the docs
- 6.2 release date
- Deciding on a release date - Feb 15
- Paul - gmt themes will be the main component in 6.2
- Will need to make a list of all the new things
- Shake map update - een in contact with USGS on this
- Outreachy Internships (https://www.outreachy.org/)
- Internship program to improve diversity in open source projects
- Paul will look at budgets
- Paul and Meghan will look into administrative steps for getting an intern, and then we can decide on dates
- Need to find a mentor/mentee to build a ‘community’ as part of the application
- Refactoring plan and long-option dictionary for core/wrapper consistency
- Developer docs explains evolution of the API structure
- Explanation about the internal i/o steps and related problems
- Funded on a high-level premise that this is a good thing to do
- Could help wrapping - needs further investigation
- Tied into how the parsings and long options work
- Paul - C library should do everything that it can - all common, simple, uniform steps
- Where to have the discussion - decided on discussion tab on GitHub
- Need more input from PyGMT side in terms of needs, preferencing for data i/o and consistent long-options
- Unlikely to use GMT long-options in PyGMT - may be easier to pass data in/out after refactoring but wouldn’t be helpful to use GMT long-option dictionary
- PyGMT has been copying GMT.jl long-options except in cases in which it doesn’t work due to reserve words in python, probably not too many differences
- Means that GMT will likely have to follow PyGMT and GMT.jl
- Dongdong and Wei Ji - better to stick to singular options rather than plural (e.g., size rather than sizes) may need some further discussion.
- GMT.jl can have multiple long options, PyGMT only has one-to-one keyword/arg
- Introduction by Will Schlitzer - new PyGMT maintainer
- Is there a list of initial modules to refactor? No, but it makes more sense to do modules related to data processing first (non-plotting modules)
- Debate - input is similar between plotting/processing modules but output is different
- Other issue - record-by-record processing
- Action items
- [x] Activate discussion tabs (https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/gmt/discussions)
- [ ] Themes
- [ ] How-to guides
- [ ] Open checklist for 6.2 release
Thanks, @weiji14! I added the discussions tab to the GMT GitHub repository and am working on a welcome post that explains the discussion tab is a place for technical discussions and that the forum remains the appropriate place to go for Q&A