gmt mask
does incomplete clipping - unless -Fl
or -Fr
has been specified.
I tried dumping clipping paths to a file and clipping using gmt clip
- the same incomplete clipping unless -Fl
or -Fr
has been specified while dumping the paths with gmt mask
demo code:
gmt begin ex15-mk-forum png
gmt convert @ship_15.txt -bo > ship.b
region=$(gmt info ship.b -I1 -bi3d)
gmt subplot begin 2x2 -M0.3c/0.1c -Fs7.5c/0 $region -JM7.5c -BWSne -T"Gridding with missing data" -Scb -Srl
# Grid via surface but mask out area with no data
gmt blockmedian -I10m ship.b -b3d > ship_10m.b
gmt surface ship_10m.b -bi
gmt mask -I10m ship_10m.b -bi3d -c0,0
gmt grdimage
gmt mask -C
gmt mask -I10m ship_10m.b -bi3d -Dcontour.txt
gmt plot contour.txt -Wfaint,black
echo "Incomplete masking using 'gmt mask', -c0,0" | gmt text -F+cTR -Dj3p
# Grid via surface but mask out area with no data
gmt mask -I10m ship_10m.b -bi3d -c0,1 -Fl
gmt grdimage
gmt mask -C
echo "Masking using 'gmt mask -Fl', -c0,1" | gmt text -F+cTR -Dj3p
gmt plot contour.txt -Wfaint,black
gmt mask -I10m ship_10m.b -bi3d -c1,1 -T -Gorange
gmt plot ship.b -bi3d -Sc0.005c
echo "mask -T -Gorange and ship track, -c1,1" | gmt text -F+cTR -Dj3p
gmt subplot end
gmt end show
rm -f ship.b ship_10m.b