Gmt install seems partial

I had not made an install of GMT for more than ten years, so I feell rusty on the subject.
I just made a straight forward install under Debian:
cmake …
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
I did not notice any error during the process.
However, the command gmt is the only one known. gmtinfo, for example, does not exist.
Even when locating the word, I can find the doc, the help file, but not the executable.
I don’t see it by giving a look at /usr/share/gmt or/usr/local/bin.

What did I miss?

In ‘newer’ gmt, all modules are called with gmt.

Try gmt gmtinfo or gmt info.

Much better indeed.
I did not know I was so much old school.
Thanks a lot.

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Wait until you meet the modern mode :slight_smile:

Olivier, all info on how to get old scripts to run with just the gmt command is on the left side bar under RESOURCES when you type

gmt docs home

On my Mac, I keep both GMT4 and GMT6 installed so that I can run old GMT4 scripts without modification and use the new “gmt command” syntax when I am writing new scripts with GMT6. The MacPorts package manager allows you to install both “gmt4” and “gmt6”.