We are pleased to announce a significant upgrade to the remote datasets easily accessible from GMT via the “@” remote file prefix! Here are some highlights -
- Updated
, which now reflects the latest 2.3 SRTM+ release - Improved bathymetry predictions for young abyssal hills and small seamounts with
- New GEBCO earth relief grids
- New geopotential grids including the EGM2008 geoid and Sandwell/Smith versions of free-air anomalies and vertical gravity gradients
- New magnetic anomaly grids including the sea surface and 4-km-altitude EMAG2 anomalies from USGS and the magnetic anomalies represented by WDMAM
We now offer 14 remote grids including the previously released datasets for crustal ages, land/sea masks, and day/night imagery! Read more about them and find the data citations on the GMT dataset documentation.