Gmt text cuts off

I am combining multiple map views onto a single canvas, but it seems that gmt text will cut off text if it goes outside the current plotting map. Here is my example script,

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# user configurable variables
nrow="2"          # number of rows
ncol="3"          # number of columns
eqwidth="1.26"    # width of equatorial plot in inches
polwidth="0.54"   # width of polar plots in inches
dx="0.05"         # horizontal buffer in inches
dy="0.1"          # vertical buffer in inches
bottom="1"        # bottom buffer

# non-user configurable variables

# distance from left edge of north pole plot to left edge of equatorial plot
delta_ne=$(echo "scale=1; ${polwidth}/2" | bc)

# distance between right edge of north pole plot and left edge of south pole plot
delta_pp=$(echo "scale=1; ${eqwidth} + 2*(${delta_ne} - ${polwidth})" | bc)

# width of a single panel (equatorial,north,south plots)
panel_width=$(echo "scale=1; 2*${polwidth} + ${delta_pp}" | bc)

# XXX height of a single panel (equatorial,north,south plots)

# y offset between equatorial and polar plots in inches


function eqpos {

  xpanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_width} + ${dx}) * (${col} - 1)" | bc)
  xpos=$(echo "scale=1; ${xpanel} + ${delta_ne}" | bc)

  ypanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_height} + ${dy}) * (${row} - 1)" | bc)
  ypos=$(echo "scale=1; ${ypanel} + ${yoffset} + ${bottom}" | bc)

  pos_str="-Xa${xpos}i -Ya${ypos}i"

function nppos {

  xpanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_width} + ${dx}) * (${col} - 1)" | bc)

  ypanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_height} + ${dy}) * (${row} - 1)" | bc)
  ypos=$(echo "scale=1; ${ypanel} + ${bottom}" | bc)

  pos_str="-Xa${xpos}i -Ya${ypos}i"

function sppos {

  xpanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_width} + ${dx}) * (${col} - 1)" | bc)
  xpos=$(echo "scale=1; ${xpanel} + ${polwidth} + ${delta_pp}" | bc)

  ypanel=$(echo "scale=1; (${panel_height} + ${dy}) * (${row} - 1)" | bc)
  ypos=$(echo "scale=1; ${ypanel} + ${bottom}" | bc)

  pos_str="-Xa${xpos}i -Ya${ypos}i"

gmt set MAP_FRAME_TYPE plain
gmt set MAP_TITLE_OFFSET "-0.1c"
gmt set MAP_FRAME_PEN "0.2p"

eq_proj="-JW${EQMERIDIAN}/${eqwidth}i -Rg"
np_proj="-JG0/90/${polwidth}i -R-180/180/${MIN_LAT}/90"
sp_proj="-JG180/-90/${polwidth}i -R/-180/180/-90/-${MIN_LAT}"

gmt set FONT_TITLE "12p,Helvetica,black"
gmt set FONT_LABEL "10p,Helvetica,black"
gmt set FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY "10p,Helvetica,black"

gmt begin figure png

  eqpos 1 1
  gmt basemap ${eq_proj} -B0 ${pos_str}
  echo "data" | gmt text ${eq_proj} ${pos_str} -F+f8p+cTL -D-0.1c/0

  nppos 1 1
  gmt basemap ${np_proj} -B0 ${pos_str}

  sppos 1 1
  gmt basemap ${sp_proj} -B0 ${pos_str}

gmt end show

and here is the result


The script has some machinery to compute the X/Y positions of each panel, but you can see there is plenty of room to print the full “data” string, but part of it gets cut off, I guess because it goes beyond the current Mollweide projection view. Is there a workaround for this?

Nothing new here - see text -N.

thank you