Gmtinfo prob

I am creating a grd file using a script with the following commands:

set grd_file = Site_a.grd
nearneighbor <data.txt -G$grd_file -I0.10 -i0,1,2 -N1/1 -V $region -S0.15
gmtinfo $grd_file

which gives all the expected info.
However, outside of the script if I just type

gmtinfo Site_a.grd

i get

gmtinfo: NetCDF variable y has different dimension (71) from others (81)

Have very little experience with the details of NetCDF files. Can someone explain what the error means?
I also can’t understand why the same command gives different results inside and out side of a script (have checked and the same command is being called each time).

Using GMT 5.4.3 - I know, please don’t tell me to upgrade!!

different gmt versions? (as grd format changed to NetCDF standard in some revision)

check with
which gmtinfo

use grdinfo with grid files

Doh. Apologies.
Was using “grdinfo” inside the script and “gmtinfo” outside.
All good now.