Gmtplot_latex_eps: Running error

I try to make a legend with some Greek symbols and got such error:

dvips: DVI file can't be opened: gmt_eq.dvi: No such file or directory
text [ERROR]: gmtplot_latex_eps: Running "sh" returned error 256.
text [ERROR]: gmtplot_latex_eps: Please run it manually to learn what LaTeX packages you are missing.
text [ERROR]: gmtplot_latex_eps: The script and logs can be found here: /var/folders/hm/n_tqlkfd6b16smck88w5q12w0000gn/T/gmt_latex_PMjLL2
text [ERROR]: gmt_map_text: Conversion of LaTeX to EPS failed

here is the line that causes the problem:

S 0.1i c .4c white 0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i x = cos(@%12%a@%%)

I tried with other way for LaTeX ( and @[) same issue.

Any hint?


NB: Running macOS, gmt installed with homebrew and TexLive is installed. All the system is up-to-date.

Does this line work for you ?

gmt basemap -R0/1/0/1 -JX10c -Bafg -B+t"@[\cos(x)@[" -png test

(should produce just a “cos(x)” png)

Hey, yes the example you gave me works, I got the png with cos(x) and a grid below.

@adakite Could you please post your full example or a minimal example so that it’s easier for us to reprodue?

Here is an example that generates the issue:

gmt begin legend
gmt legend -R0/10/0/10 -JM6i -Dx0.1i/0.1i+w4i+jBL+l1.2 -C0.1i/0.1i   << EOF

G 0.1i
H 14p,AvantGarde-Book Legend
N 2
V 0 1p
G 0.15i
S 0.1i c .8c  white  0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i
G -0.2i
S 0.1i c .6c  white  0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i
G -0.2i
S 0.1i c .4c white 0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i x = cos(@%12%a@%%)

gmt end show

With Latex and “symbols” (%@12%symbol letter@%% should work. Else, the octal code for alpha is \141)

gmt begin legend
gmt legend -R0/10/0/10 -JM6i -Dx0.1i/0.1i+w4i+jBL+l1.2 -C0.1i/0.1i  << EOF

G 0.1i
H 14p,AvantGarde-Book Legend
N 2
V 0 1p
G 0.15i
S 0.1i c .8c  white  0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i
G -0.2i
S 0.1i c .6c  white  0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i
G -0.2i
S 0.1i c .4c white 0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i @[x = \cos(\alpha)@[
S 0.1i c .4c white 0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i x = cos(@%12%\141@%%) 
S 0.1i c .4c white 0.5p,snow3,- 0.3i x = cos(@%12%a@%%) 

gmt end show

Yeah but the issue I post, is what I get instead.

With the 3 different methods I provided ?