Hi, I’m working in a tsunami simulation and i need to do nested grids in xyz format, and i’ve obtained the bathymetry grids from gebco. When I transform the nc to xyz the limit values changes
~/Escritorio/batimetrias/Global/gebco > gmt grdinfo gebco_1min.nf 14:50:53
gebco_1min.nf: Title:
gebco_1min.nf: Command: gmt grdsample gebco_2024_n-17.0_s-43.0_w-76.0_e-69.0.nc -I1m -Ggebco_1min.nf
gebco_1min.nf: Remark:
gebco_1min.nf: Pixel node registration used [Geographic grid]
gebco_1min.nf: Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float), CF-1.7
gebco_1min.nf: x_min: -76.000000 x_max: -69.000000 x_inc: 0.016667 (1 min) name: longitude n_columns: 420
gebco_1min.nf: y_min: -43.000000 y_max: -17.000000 y_inc: 0.016667 (1 min) name: latitude n_rows: 1560
gebco_1min.nf: v_min: -8079.656250 v_max: 6507.726562 name: z
gebco_1min.nf: scale_factor: 1.000000 add_offset: 0.000000
gebco_1min.nf: format: netCDF-4 chunk_size: 140,130 shuffle: on deflation_level: 3
gebco_1min.nf: Default CPT:
~/Escritorio/batimetrias/Global/gebco > gmt grd2xyz gebco_1min.nf > gebco_1min_gmt.xyz 14:51:16
~/Escritorio/batimetrias/Global/gebco > gmt grdinfo gebco_1min_gmt.xyz 14:52:03
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Title: Grid imported via GDAL
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Command:
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Remark:
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Gridline node registration used [Cartesian grid]
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Grid file format: gd = Import/export through GDAL
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: x_min: -75.991667 x_max: -69.008333 x_inc: 0.016667 name: x n_columns: 420
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: y_min: -42.991668 y_max: -17.008334 y_inc: 0.016667 name: y n_rows: 1560
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: v_min: -8079.656250 v_max: 6507.726562 name: z
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: scale_factor: 1.000000 add_offset: 0.000000
gebco_1min_gmt.xyz: Default CPT:
Do someone know why happen? and some fix?