

At the moment I am trying to plot the CRUST1.0 vp model with GMT 6 but for some reason is not really plotting because of a cpt? I set the cpt as Jet I was wondering if you could help

gmt basemap  -JM30c -B2 -R-73/-60/0/25
gmt grdimage  -Cjet -E -R-73/-60/0/25
gmt end show 

My guess is that it should work as a @earth_relief file
this is the file I am trying to plot for this location -R-73/-60/0/25

Thank you!

The CRUST file has numerous separate layers, so you need to pick one. E.g.,

Read about CRUST for all the available layers.

yes I did ad the en y separated in QGIS and clipped to an area and a layer. thanks !