Grdmask core dump


I am trying to make a grd mask out of a south polar xyz file. The input data seems to be OK

minmax tmp.1.VSH.dat
tmp.1.VSH.dat: N = 60225 <-179.639653937/180> <-90/-35.4593858369> <6.09066152573/6.41782569885>

but when I try to make a mask
> grdmask -Rg -I1 -NNaN/1/1 -Gtmp.grd -S100k tmp.1.VSH.dat -fg
ERROR: Caught signal number 11 (Segmentation fault) at
Stack backtrace:

grdmask [core] 6.4.0_07159ed_2022.05.28 [64-bit]

I put the input file here

not sure how to simplify the problem. Am I just getting something wrong with the syntax, or is that an actual bug? Seems to be independent of how the region is specified, in that -R-180/180/-90/-70 doesn’t work either.


Hmm, normally is the contrary. Windows detects tinny memory corruptions and *nix not.
That to say that it works fine for me.

grdmask -Rg -I1 -NNaN/1/1 -Gtmp.grd -S100k tmp.1.VSH.dat -fg -V
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Enable all available threads (up to 12)
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Processing input table data
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes completely outside the search radius will be set to NaN
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes completely inside the search radius will be set to 1
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes on the search radius boundary will be set to 1
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Reading Data Table from File tmp.1.VSH.dat
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Writing grid to file tmp.grd
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Detected 360 inconsistent values at north pole. Values fixed by setting all to average row value.

grdmask [INFORMATION]: Detected 125 inconsistent values along periodic east boundary of grid. Values fixed by duplicating west boundary.

Thanks for testing. So UNIX seems to throw a core dump and windows doesn’t. I’m not sure how to recompile all with -g with the cmake system to see where the dump occurs, if this
ERROR: Caught signal number 11 (Segmentation fault) at
Stack backtrace:

isn’t enough info.

To build a debug version I use this in my ConfigUser.cmake (Toggle between Release and Debug)


but it should work from command line by adding


Thanks, here’s what the debugger says. Line 564 of grdmask.c

(gdb) run -R0/360/-90/-70 -I1 -NNaN/1/1 -Gtmp.grd -S100k tmp.1.VSH.dat -fg -V
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/grdmask -R0/360/-90/-70 -I1 -NNaN/1/1 -Gtmp.grd -S100k tmp.1.VSH.dat -fg -V
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library “/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/”.
[New Thread 0x7ffff2c50700 (LWP 11874)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff2440700 (LWP 11875)]
[New Thread 0x7fffedc30700 (LWP 11876)]
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Processing input table data
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes completely outside the search radius will be set to NaN
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes completely inside the search radius will be set to 1
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Nodes on the search radius boundary will be set to 1
grdmask [INFORMATION]: Reading Data Table from File tmp.1.VSH.dat

Thread 1 “grdmask” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fffff51a6bf in GMT_grdmask (V_API=, mode=, args=)
at /home/twb/progs/src/gmt/src/grdmask.c:564
564 if (node_is_set[ij]) continue; /* Already set */
(gdb) where
#0 0x00007fffff51a6bf in GMT_grdmask (V_API=, mode=, args=)
at /home/twb/progs/src/gmt/src/grdmask.c:564
#1 0x00007fffff2133fe in GMT_Call_Module (V_API=0x80531a0, module=, mode=8, args=0x7ffffffed9c0)
at /home/twb/progs/src/gmt/src/gmt_api.c:12654
#2 0x0000000008001708 in main (argc=, argv=0x7ffffffed9b8) at /home/twb/progs/src/gmt/src/gmt.c:112

How I (vaguely) interpret it is that the ij counter overflew the allocated memory of node_is_set but can’t help more from here. Let’s wait that Paul checks if it crashes too in Mac, … but that damn Xcode has proven so liberal in the past.

Yeah, it’s a bit tricky since a simple range check on ij doesn’t lead to an error condition, but putting a print statement would indicate that colu is returned as -1 which blows things up.

I’m confused by the range of allowable values for these indices but if I add
f((((int)colu) < 0)||(((int)ij) >= ((int)Grid->header->size))||(((int)ij) < 0)){
fprintf(stderr,“error: ij %i size %i rowu %i colu %i\n”,(int)ij,(int)Grid->header->size,rowu,colu);
fprintf(stderr,“error: ii %i col %i col start %i col end %i\n”,

before the offending call that coredumps, I get

error: ij 8031 size 9125 rowu 20 colu -1
error: ii -1 col -361 col start -361 col end 361

my guess is that d_col[rowu] should not be 361 but rather be limited to 360 here.

Thanks for posting the data. I should be able to reproduce this but it may take me a few days (flying back to Oxford on Saturday so lots of airplane debugging time then).

It’s quite strange that colu = -1 as on unix that variable is typedefed to unsigned int (the openmp_intcast).

Meanwhile, it probably will work for you if you ask grdmask to create a pixel registered grid.

We have a branch that I hope fixes this issue - are you able to switch to it and build and test?

Thanks much! Did, and tests look OK! Super!

Now in master (I’ve just merge the branch).
