GRDTRACK - erect cross profiles at oblique angles

Hi community,

is there a better way to generate a set of equally spaced tracks at an angle relative to a line? I am currently generating a line using project -C0/0 -G10 -L-100/100 > track.xyd and then parsing the output line vertices through a loop to generate a set of equally spaced tracks with the line vertices from the first call as centerpoints and a specific azimuth relative to the initial line (using project again in -G mode).

Currently grdtrack only allows orthogonal crosslines to be erected using -C (and with that also restricts the use of -S). Any chance a -C+a<azimuth> option could be implemented in grdtrack, @pwessel?


Yes, that may not be too hard, please open a feature request on GitHub.

Great - added issue #5718

Paul - thanks again for the quick implementation. I ran one example which also included stacked profiles using -S which went without any issues.


No worries, thanks for a very good suggestion for improvement.