Having three histogram in one plot

Good afternoon all, I need to plot three histogram in one plot but having difficulty in ploting it. Please can someone help me look through the code to effect corrections. Below is the code and the data

 gmt pshistogram -R2.0/20.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i sub.dat -Gblue -Bxa2f0.5+l"rms (mm)" -Bya20f5+l"percentile of stations"+u" %" -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > t.ps
  gmt pshistogram -R0.2/4.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i hhydl.dat -Ggray -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > t.ps

   gmt pshistogram -R2.0/20.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i ppp2.dat -Gblack -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > t.ps
ppp2.dat          hhydl.dat         sub.dat

though they are separate files
it only gives me a plot instead of three in one. Thanks in anticipation

Well, you are plotting to the same file t.ps, overwriting the previous result, so what do you expect? Either give them three different names than t.ps or work with -O -K -X -Y and >> t.ps to offset the plots and append to a single plot. Se virtually any of the GMT gallery examples for how that is done.

Is this the kind of thing you’re trying to do ?

Thanks for you response, Please I tried to rename the files differently but still gave single plot, below is the code
gmt pshistogram -R0.0/20.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i sub.dat -Gblue -Bxa2f0.5+l"rms (mm)" -Bya20f5+l"percentile of stations"+u" %" -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > t.ps
gmt pshistogram -R0.0/4.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i hhydl.dat -Ggray -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > f.ps
gmt pshistogram -R0.0/20.0/0/50 -JX6.4i/5.4i ppp2.dat -Gblack -BWSne+t+gwhite -W1p -Z1 -T1 > p.ps
this what I still got using the same data I earlier sent. little explanation sir.

No, you do not get a single plot. Now you have three plots: t.ps, f.ps, and p.ps, no?

If you want three plots on the same figure then you need to follow an example that appends to a single plot - like almost all the gallery examples do.