Hi! Could I have a modern GUI(grafic interface) to work with GMT?

Hi there! I’m a beginner and I don’t quite understand how things work … Could I have a modern GUI(grafic interface) to work with GMT?

There is no GMT GUI. Closest thing might be Mirone.

What do you mean?And how it works?only scripts?

Yes, GMT is a set of command-line tools used for scripting.

http://www-udc.ig.utexas.edu/external/becker/ugesce.html?fbclid=IwAR0T3S8jnpAvFY_FNiUlWiG1QCb6kff64rGlUG01vbQVe5JCkzHdBsCMm7Y#download … What you could say about this?

If you check the iGMT website you’ll find that

iGMT version 1.2 has support for GMT 3.5.x and 4.x.x.

The current version of GMT is GMT 6.0 and I can assure you that GMT 4.x is something you don’t want to have on your system anymore. While 4.x had its time the new GMT 6 is way better (more stable, more features, less bugs, same great people). It even comes with modern mode to make the first steps for beginners way easier than it used to be.

  • Have a look at the Beginners Tutorial for your first steps, the Gurus put quite some effort into it.

  • Another place to learn a lot from is the Example Gallery where the more sophisticated example scripts reside.

  • If you want to dive in deep you want to read the Cookbook and for the nitty-gritty details head over to the GMT Modules documentation.

It all involves some learning with sometimes a steep learning curve (flattened a lot by modern mode) but you have a very powerful software collection at your fingertips with almost endless possibilities.

Paul gave you the answer. The closest you can have is Mirone. It has the ability of automatically generating GMT scripts that you can fine tune if needed. But it’s a Windows only program.

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