How can plot this type of .tif?

hi , I am trying to plot this .tif file downloaded from here

how do i plot it correctly as it has UTM coordinates while i use lan/log coordinates?

this is the error i get: rdimage [WARNING]: Your grid y’s or latitudes appear to be outside the map region and will be skipped.
grdimage [WARNING]: No grid or image inside plot domain. I have uploaded the code here: gmt begin CampiFlegreiMap
gmt set GMT_THEME cookbook

gmt grdinfo w45090_s10.tif

Basemap con regione e proiezione corretta

gmt basemap -R14.0/14.2/40.7/40.9 -JM6i -Baf

Aggiunta delle coste

gmt coast -Slightblue -Glightbrown -Wblack

Uso di grdimage con la correzione della regione

gmt grdimage w45090_s10.tif -Q50 -R14.0/14.2/40.7/40.9 -JM5i

Creazione della palette dei colori

gmt makecpt -Cjet -T-1/2/0.1

Plottaggio dei dati dei terremoti (assicurati che il file esista!)

gmt plot campi_flegrei_2018_2025.csv -C -Sc -Wfaint -i0,1,5+s0.1

Barra dei colori con label corretto

gmt colorbar -Dx0.5i/0.5i+w2i/0.2i -B1 -By+l"Magnitudo"
gmt end show

Please edit your post to look like the others you see in this forum (wrap code inside three bacticks block)

Visiting the examples in the gallery also helps.