hi , I am trying to plot this .tif file downloaded from here https://tinitaly.pi.ingv.it/Download_Area1_1.html
how do i plot it correctly as it has UTM coordinates while i use lan/log coordinates?
this is the error i get: rdimage [WARNING]: Your grid y’s or latitudes appear to be outside the map region and will be skipped.
grdimage [WARNING]: No grid or image inside plot domain. I have uploaded the code here: gmt begin CampiFlegreiMap
gmt set GMT_THEME cookbook
gmt grdinfo w45090_s10.tif
Basemap con regione e proiezione corretta
gmt basemap -R14.0/14.2/40.7/40.9 -JM6i -Baf
Aggiunta delle coste
gmt coast -Slightblue -Glightbrown -Wblack
Uso di grdimage con la correzione della regione
gmt grdimage w45090_s10.tif -Q50 -R14.0/14.2/40.7/40.9 -JM5i
Creazione della palette dei colori
gmt makecpt -Cjet -T-1/2/0.1
Plottaggio dei dati dei terremoti (assicurati che il file esista!)
gmt plot campi_flegrei_2018_2025.csv -C -Sc -Wfaint -i0,1,5+s0.1
Barra dei colori con label corretto
gmt colorbar -Dx0.5i/0.5i+w2i/0.2i -B1 -By+l"Magnitudo"
gmt end show