How do I create scale

Good afternoon, everyone. I’m working on a scatter plot similar to this below, but I’m having trouble creating scales for the north and east axes based on the table below. Could someone assist me with how to set up these scales? Below is the code

gmt psxy -R0.09/4.00/0.10/7.00 -JX6.4i/5.4i unvert.dat -Sc0.1i -Gbrown -Bxa0.08f5+a90+l"East velocity uncertainties (mm/yr)" -Bya0.1f0.1+l"North velocity uncertainties (mm/yr)" >

 #  E_N             E_E	          E_Up      
0.09643 	0.101286	0.240279    
0.114152	0.121808	0.252711    
0.114477	0.155219	0.259681    
0.11696 	0.160889	0.260888    
0.117737	0.168333	0.265484    
0.118073	0.172285	0.269168    
0.118431	0.174448	0.27793     
0.123943	0.178111	0.279246    
0.124699	0.18017 	0.279292    
0.124914	0.18044 	0.280885    
0.125685	0.184507	0.299159    
0.125751	0.186339	0.302289    
0.125983	0.186569	0.302386    
0.128241	0.186789	0.303637    
0.129847	0.18967 	0.304525    
0.131272	0.192373	0.30552     
0.133513	0.192651	0.306915    
0.13425 	0.193101	0.307334    
0.134506	0.193234	0.311002    
0.134563	0.195373	0.315435    
0.134788	0.19602 	0.316326    
0.135122	0.196672	0.319351    
0.135401	0.197956	0.322364    
0.136355	0.198192	0.322564    
0.136441	0.201437	0.323021    
0.13661 	0.201699	0.325782    
0.137015	0.20179 	0.326229    
0.137058	0.203485	0.329087    
0.137175	0.205269	0.329715    
0.137935	0.205373	0.332096    
0.138822	0.206234	0.332321    
0.139337	0.207543	0.333956    
0.139691	0.208339	0.334847    
0.140657	0.208433	0.335924    
0.14828 	0.209092	0.34149     
0.149811	0.210589	0.342529    
0.152291	0.212582	0.343937    
0.153576	0.213489	0.344848    
0.158331	0.213807	0.349521    
0.158661	0.215254	0.355713    
0.159457	0.218164	0.361586    
0.160953	0.221063	0.370045    
0.161948	0.225617	0.370271    
0.162881	0.226088	0.38342     
0.165468	0.232813	0.384952    
0.166843	0.244679	0.390047    
0.167718	0.244883	0.396998    
0.172656	0.245447	0.398454    
0.173174	0.246881	0.414419    
0.175709	0.249612	0.415497    
0.177083	0.256121	0.417104    
0.177084	0.256685	0.417406    
0.180116	0.261943	0.422118    
0.180494	0.265247	0.431357    
0.181174	0.270809	0.432563    
0.183381	0.273559	0.444642    
0.192602	0.278165	0.449416    
0.19543 	0.280984	0.454051    
0.195572	0.282842	0.465091    
0..198826	0.283594	0.468841    
0.199619	0.288139	0.485606    
0.204953	0.290759	0.507739    
0.212639	0.301842	0.516397    
0.223785	0.324577	0.517488    
0.225521	0.331373	0.53662     
0.225771	0.332444	0.539464    
0.227141	0.35296 	0.565141    
0.231987	0.356923	0.578718    
0.235423	0.357815	0.642785    
0.238813	0.365288	0.648603    
0.239482	0.37701 	0.652612    
0..248562	0.377077	0.662202    
0.252103	0.378144	0.669312    
0.25517 	0.381715	0.677884    
0.256199	0.388433	0.682902    
0.265194	0.39443 	0.702085    
0.274259	0.399913	0.720953    
0.274937	0.412747	0.781824    
0.275657	0.421226	0.783379    
0.277137	0.42503 	0.792737    
0.279808	0.426048	0.811369    
0.283212	0.44644 	0.831709    
0.285483	0.469838	0.840499    
0.288039	0.479374	0.855288    
0.294808	0.491625	0.861534    
0.295353	0.496796	0.866665    
0.296945	0.500454	0.87636     
0.29827 	0.50373 	0.877447    
0.312045	0.525775	0.88313     
0.317833	0.535737	0.910216    
0.318194	0.541409	0.914638    
0.336945	0.565298	0.920679    
0.343745	0.566493	0.950959    
0.378958	0.634814	0.995424    
0.403592	0.644032	0.105258    
0.4037  	0.645466	0.108769    
0.406743	0.656653	0.108848    
0.432221	0.664625	0.111177    
0.44054 	0.669927	0.119536    
0.45039 	0.721995	0.120352    
0.478471	0.749219	0.120865    
0.498253	0.788953	0.125861    
0.49871 	0.795847	0.132239    
0.514059	0.84464 	0.134318    
0.523543	0.846938	0.138739    
0.527035	0.85666 	0.140227    
0.528146	0.860174	0.143132    
0.543377	0.931199	0.145604    
0.597533	0.951137	0.157816    
0.629837	0.104481	0.169623    
0.635099	0.113052	0.178212    
0.703052	0.114369	0.214833    
0.739894	0.11836 	0.220558    
0.832374	0.124395	0.227682    
0.924881	0.12794 	0.239823    
0.989558	0.139519	0.259953    
0.110183	0.147414	0.338593    
0.116232	0.185449	0.349802    
0.130659	0.189597	0.349893    
0.137388	0.204351	0.359174    
0.137677	0.24155 	0.380738    
0.139473	0.242972	0.383673    
0.145109	0.262524	0.387925    
0.145883	0.262886	0.389851    
0.157873	0.262949	0.413743    
0.164728	0.282215	0.418676    
0.165073	0.306271	0.451762    
0.190881	0.308871	0.502632    
0.214998	0.481522	0.617346    
0.28861 	0.737664	0.700944    
0.357239	1.13333 	1.02709     
0.681377	2.46764 	1.90237     
1.45868 	3.11624 	3.69453     
1.50456 	7.00509 	4.29428     
3.66792 	0.10082 	10.3607

Hi Parker.

I am affraid that I don’t understand well what you mean with scales. A map scale?

I made a plot using topic starter’s data and code, see below, cropped using gmt ps2raster -A.

Based on comparing his cropped plot with the full plot, the topic starter does not want to have axis tick labels and axis label on the top and right axis, only tick annotations on the bottom and left axis.

It is not clear whether rotated labels on x axis ticks are desired. Topic starter leaves off some data points near zero by specifying plot data range starting at x=0.09, y=0.10 (-R0.09/4.00/0.10/7.00) and one data point above 7.

It appears to me that topic starter does not know how to use -B... option to properly format axes and axis labels, tick intervals/labels etc. Topic starter does not seem to understand what exactly his code is doing. Using classic mode may further complicate some things.

Full -B... option description is here: -B option documentation.

It might be easier to start with automatic tick label placement -BWEsn, -Bxaf and -Byaf for this plot instead of very elaborate specifications of -Bxa0.08f5+a90+l"East velocity uncertainties (mm/yr)" -Bya0.1f0.1+l"North velocity uncertainties (mm/yr) and go through documentation, the gallery of examples and tutorials to learn how -B... options works.

Thanks for your responds. What I mean is setting the X axis scale from 0.09 to 7.0 and the Y axis scale from 0.1 to 4.0 using the -B option. I’m asking how do I adjust the scales to improve the plot.

Thank you for your response. I will study the -B documentation as you suggested. I really appreciate your help

Try modifying the values of -J. I’m not sure if it answers your question.