Assuming you want to plot Reykjanes peninsula: your -R specification is wrong. Correct syntax is -RW/E/S/N: -R-22.970911/-21.56111/63.78470/64.102699
then, you need to specify some output, like the following (one liner/modern mode): gmt coast -R-22.970911/-21.56111/63.78470/64.102699 -JM6i -B -Gchocolate -png quick
EDIT OK you have the gmt begin/end lines, -png ... is not needed then.
You say it does not work but your message has no error and is not even addressing @earth_relief_03s etc anyway. And you know that 0es and 01s is only overland, right, so 15s automatically fills in?
hello sorry to pick up this topic after a year, but what other resource do you mean? another software? or another way to plot with gmt? are there examples?