How to interpolate in gmt?

Hello all,
I’m confused about which interpolation method best shows variation in my data with longitude, latitude, and coupling columns in GMT. I have attached my data file.

Thanks in advance

patch_jksh.txt (30.5 KB)

I think that you should use the choose the interpolation method based on what your data represents. In other words, which method capture best how your data naturally changes in space.

I have used gmt surface and gmt greenspline.But the results are not looking appropriate.

This is how my figure is coming while using GMT surface.

This is my script.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
gmt begin interpolation png
gmt basemap -R72/85/26/37 -JM10i -Ba2f2
gmt blockmean combined_interpolatn.txt -R72/85/26/37 -I0.1 > blockmean.txt
gmt makecpt -Cpolar -T0/1/0.1 -Z > interpolate.cpt
gmt surface combined_interpolatn.txt -R72/85/26/37 -I0.01 -Gtrial.grd -T0.25
gmt greenspline combined_interpolatn.txt -R72/85/26/37 -I0.05 -Z3 -E50 -Sp -Gtrial.grd
gmt grdimage trial.grd -Cinterpolate.cpt -R72/85/26/37 -JM10i -Baf
gmt colorbar -Ccoupling.cpt -Dx6.5i/0.5i+w5i/0.3i+h -B0.2 -By+l"Coupling"
gmt end show