How to make cpt and colorbar with time series?

Dear All,

I am currently plotting some data points with respect to time series (as cpt) using GMT 6.1.1. I used this script, but it does not work. Any suggestions will be appreciated?

gmt makecpt -T2020-05-08T/2020-06-02T/5h > t.cpt    
#input format is like 104.4902 29.3797 2020-05-13T04:51:15

awk -F"," '{ print $8,$7,substr($3,1,length($3)-8)}'  $FI_result | gmt plot -Sc0.35c -Ct.cpt

But I got this error:

 plot [ERROR]: CPT t.cpt has no z-slices!
 [Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_CPT_READ_ERROR (8)
 [Session gmt (0)]: Error returned from GMT API: GMT_CPT_READ_ERROR (8)

How can we make cpt using datetime and get the color bar respectively?

Thank you so much.

Not sure about the problem, but first step is to upgrade to 6.4.0 (or build latest).
6.1.1 is > 2 years old.

What’s the content of t.cpt after makecpt command ?

I have updated the script and now content are

2020-05-08T05:00:00	   52.187/27.562/82.312	  2020-05-08T10:00:00	52.187/27.562/82.312	L	

But error is still the same.

I have converted the date into Julian days and made cpt. It works very well.

The command works well for me :

2020-05-08T00:00:00	50.062/21.187/67.437	2020-05-08T05:00:00	50.062/21.187/67.437	L
2020-05-08T05:00:00	52.187/27.562/82.312	2020-05-08T10:00:00	52.187/27.562/82.312	L
2020-06-01T09:00:00	139.94/9.3125/1.6875	2020-06-01T14:00:00	139.94/9.3125/1.6875	L
2020-06-01T14:00:00	133.56/7.1875/2	2020-06-01T19:00:00	133.56/7.1875/2L
2020-06-01T19:00:00	126.19/5.0624/2	2020-06-02T00:00:00	126.19/5.0624/2B
B	black
F	white
N	128

I use version 6.5