How to plot multiple fault segments on a map

Dear All GMT users,

I have a TXT file of several faults in this form:

33.339584635128 28.617986261144
33.336784875459 28.571327559585
33.334689294277 28.557183318211

33.564389220623 23.587404965303
33.587382988442 23.558727612818

33.598855626283 23.543696754818
33.619689765607 23.526132751617

33.514591687908 23.584902420971
33.52811721346 23.555073703787

And I use this command line:

gmt psxy faults.txt -R -JM -Sf0.3/10p+r -W1,red -O -K -V >> ps

However nothing appears. But when I separate them in several files, they appear, like that:

gmt psxy faults_01.txt -R -JM -Sf0.3/10p+r -W1,red -O -K -V >> ps
gmt psxy faults_02.txt -R -JM -Sf0.3/10p+r -W1,red -O -K -V >> ps
gmt psxy faults_03.txt -R -JM -Sf0.3/10p+r -W1,red -O -K -V >> ps

How can one plot all faults using only one command? by the way the number of faults that exceed 100 faults, therefore repeating psxy command is not a smart solution :frowning:

Many thanks in advance for any help.

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Have you try to add a “>” between segments?

33.339584635128 28.617986261144
33.336784875459 28.571327559585
33.334689294277 28.557183318211
33.564389220623 23.587404965303
33.587382988442 23.558727612818
33.598855626283 23.543696754818
33.619689765607 23.526132751617
33.514591687908 23.584902420971
33.52811721346 23.555073703787
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Yes but nothing has changed !!
Many thanks for the fast reply

Oh it solved now :slight_smile:
there were some of > were missing!!
Thanks a lot

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